Imagine a Republican candidate who is so unpopular with the grassroots that their own congressional district GOP unit refuses to endorse them, despite being the only Republican in the race.
Unfortunately for carpetbagging neocon RINO Joe Teirab, this hypothetical is a reality.
Teirab is the GOP nominee for CD2 to run against incumbent Democrat Rep. Angie Craig. As CD2 is considered the only Congressional swing district in Minnesota, eyes have been on this race since the beginning.
Joe Teirab initially had a GOP opponent named Tayler Rahm. Rahm became the clear choice of the grassroots and crushed Teirab during the CD2 endorsing convention. Teirab had pledged to abide by the endorsement and not pursue a primary if he lost, but he reneged on that promise just ahead of the convention. It was clear to all political observers that Rahm was on his way to win the primary and would become the GOP nominee.
However, Globalist RINO Tom Emmer had other plans. As the Trump campaign leader for Minnesota, Emmer weaponized his role to BUY OUT Teirab’s competition with a “Trump” campaign job. It is not clear that Tayler Rahm has accomplished ANYTHING of substance for Trump’s campaign since backstabbing his supporters. To be clear, Rahm took a job for Emmer, not for Trump. Teirab has been Emmer’s hand-picked candidate in this race and CD2 has become fed up with Emmer inserting himself in their business.
Now things take a hilarious and desperate turn. Emmer’s congressional district, CD6, is controlled by Emmer puppet Bobby Benson. Despite his required obligations to be a neural Chair before the endorsement, Benson is a longtime paid staffer for Emmer. Benson rigged the 2024 CD6 endorsing convention so that Chris Corey, Emmer’s only opponent for the endorsement, was not allowed to speak or seek the endorsement. They smeared Corey’s character, misrepresented him, and lied about him. After grassroots Patriots attempted to change the rules of the convention, Benson kicked Corey out of the convention.
As we’ve previously reported, Teirab has again failed to receive the GOP endorsement by the CD2 GOP Full Committee about a week ago after they refused to consider his endorsement. Because Teirab isn’t capable of convincing the voters of “his” district, the CD6 GOP is trying to endorse him! Not only is this ridiculous and desperate but it is also unconstitutional!
This illegitimate endorsement is unconstitutional in relation to Article V, Section 3, Part B, Rule 3 of the MNGOP Constitution which notably states “Only one candidate may be endorsed per seat for a particular office.” See the full rule below:
Angie Craig and the Democrats will have a hay-day over this endorsement! It is proof that MNGOP cronies will break the rules to benefit the Establishment, even when they reside in a completely different district! Imagine the conniption that the RINOs would’ve had if CD2 chose to endorse Chris Corey over Tom Emmer! No way that would’ve flied!
It is perfectly clear that Joe Teirab is incapable of uniting conservatives to support his campaign and he will lose in November to psychotic Angie Craig. The inevitable loss may be one reason CD2 conservatives are refusing to endorse Teirab, as it may very well be true that he could drag down the rest of the ticket. Teirab has failed time and time again and has zero grassroots support. He has desperately reached out to delegates to no avail, and now, even the establishment has given up on Teirab. The Congressional Leadership Fund is not buying ads for Teirab as seen in the September 3rd listing of ad buys by Punchbowl News.
The grassroots have rejected the uniparty scam despite the hundreds of thousands of dollars spent by the establishment in GOP primaries for RINOs. Included in on this hitjob is MNGOP party unit HRCC which supported three unendorsed incumbent RINOs like Ron Kresha (10A), Greg Davids (26B), and Brian Johnson (28A).
Teirab, Emmer, and the establishment are learning a very important lesson, grassroots Patriots are fed up with your games! Action 4 Liberty will continue to expose the slimy corruption in our state regardless of the political party or people who get offended!
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