Corporate News Continues COVID Scare Tactics

The COVID 2.0 scare is in full swing. Tune into the corporate media and you'll be encouraged to get the new experimental vaccine that is coming for the BA.2.86 variant! According to the bought and paid for media, the new variant is spreading like brushfires.

Are you scared yet?

CNN tells us that there are over 12,000 hospitalizations, which is a 22% increase in the last couple weeks. Now Joe Biden is making a pitch to Congress to spend more money to fight the spread.

The Hill writes "26 states see ‘substantial’ spike in COVID hospitalizations." Meanwhile, CBS tells us the "World Health Organization say they have been closely tracking the emergence of a new, highly mutated COVID-19 variant that scientists have labeled BA.2.86."

This recent news comes shortly after a whistleblower from top management at the TSA revealed that the agency is preparing to bring back COVID mandates at airports again. 

We wrote a story last week that a medical facility in Minnesota went back to a mask mandate in its facilities. I guess the science behind the uselessness of cloth masks hasn't spread far. A letter from Dr. Michael Osterholm and top epidemiologists was recently publicized that criticized the lies the CDC was telling Americans about the effectiveness of cloth masks.

Some think the masses won't fall for the COVID scam again, but sadly, that's far from true. Luckily, some people have woken up to the lies and will join the fight if it comes back.

Will Joe Biden, governors and mayors go back to totalitarian, non-sense COVID mandates? We don't know, but we'll stay on top of this story if and when it breaks. AND tell you how to fight back against the mandates!



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  • Jake Duesenberg
    published this page in News 2023-08-29 16:52:02 -0500