In the MNGOP, the establishment claims to care about the endorsement of local party units up until their preferred candidate does not win. One candidate took it a step further in the HD41A race by initially refusing to sign a pledge abiding by the results of the endorsing convention.
This district in particular is notable because in 2022 it cost the GOP majority in the State Senate. Conservative candidate Tom Dippel defeated RINO Rep. Tony Jurgens for the SD41 with an overwhelming 67% in the endorsement and nearly 61% in the primary. Not only did Jurgens fail to abide by the endorsement, but he endorsed Radical Democrat Judy Seeberger. This race was decided by 161 votes.
Establishment RINO Tony Jurgens caused the trifecta control of MN in the hands of radical leftists. Had Jurgens endorsed Dippel, there would have been a conservative wall in the State Senate to fight the House and tyrant Tim Walz.
Tom Dippel and other conservative candidates like Natalie Barnes, Mark Bishofsky, Sen. Bill Lieske, and Bret Bussman all had their data access revoked by the state party at a critical moment before the primary despite all of them being endorsed by their local party unit. These types of dirty tricks will be implemented whenever grassroots conservatives disobey the Swamp and choose their own candidate.
Fast forward to the House District 41A race now where seemingly establishment candidate Wayne Johnson initially refused to sign the endorsement pledge when meeting with the Nominations Committee. After SD41 GOP publicly informed people that Wayne Johnson did not sign the pledge and some complaints came in, he sent it over without a signed witness! Would he use this to claim it is void?
Wayne Johnson is a former county commissioner who endorsed Jurgens in the primary, posted constantly in support of Covid clot shots and booster shots, posted pictures and support for Democrats like Karla Bigham and tyrant Tim Walz, and wanted to waste your overtaxed Surplus dollars with a crony bonding/debt bill.
The delegates ultimately decide who to endorse. The state party and local party unit are obligated to support the delegates’ endorsement. If run fairly, the party conducts itself properly, and the candidates abide by the endorsement then the process will be run as intended.
It is up to grassroots delegates in all districts of MN to participate in these endorsements and vote for who best aligns with their principles. Democratic control of MN can be changed if Patriots become active and hold the line against Dems and RINOs who will not fight to shrink government and restore freedom!
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