EXPOSED: Scheme By GOP Insiders to Weaponize Gov't Agency Against Us

Individuals associated and employed by the Minnesota Senate Republican political committee, known as the Senate Victory Fund (SVF), are abusing a government agency’s investigative powers to launch a witch hunt and incur more legal costs for Action 4 Liberty. And the law firm crafting the documents on their behalf, got paid nearly a quarter of a million dollars last year - a large sum of money that could’ve been used to win the Minnesota Senate and stop Democrats from taking complete control over the state government.

The case against us was spearheaded by Mike Campbell, according to statements by our sources at the Capitol with knowledge of the inner workings of the Senate. Campbell is listed as the finance director for the SVF and also works for Cambria.

Establishment cronies like Campbell were angry that Action 4 Liberty activated thousands of grassroots conservatives in the 2022 caucuses. Party insiders HATE when the grassroots rise up and become powerful. Those activists chose conservative candidates for Republican endorsements in legislative races last year - like Tom Dippel of Cottage Grove over RINO Tony Jurgens.

Instead of accepting defeat and uniting with grassroots conservatives to defeat the radical leftist agenda, Campbell and GOP insiders sought retribution by abusing a government agencies investigative powers on an erroneous case. The government agency in this case is the Campaign Finance Board (CFB), which is tasked to enforce the rules surrounding campaign finance laws, a bunch of which are anti-free speech and unconstitutional. Here’s how the scheme works:

Mike Campbell gathered intel on A4L and the Dippel campaign back in June of 2022. It was clear that he and many RINO Senators were not happy that a solid conservative like Tom Dippel was the endorsed Republican candidate in the top targeted senate district in the state. He found a low level SVF staffer named Marissa Manteufel who stated she "heard" someone say something about A4L. Campbell alleged that A4L made an illegal corporate contribution to a campaign based on her statement which, is pure heresay, and not true.

Campbell then found an unknown activist from Winona who was willing to put his name on the complaint for him. Winona is 100 miles away from where the alleged infraction occurred and not even the same legislative district. Of course, it would look bad for the finance director of the Republican Senate to have his name on the document himself.

The unknown activist is Matt Werden, who was probably duped into believing he could "hang with the cool kids" if he did this. We don’t know the guy and the guy doesn’t know anything about us. But he got conned and maybe, paid under the table. We'll never know.

Campbell then used a law firm that was on retainer with the SVF to produce the documentation for the complaint and file on behalf of Matt Werden. That law firm is Jacobson, Magnuson, Anderson & Halloran, P.C. And in 2022, $240,000 of donated money to the Senate Victory Fund to help Republicans win the Minnesota Senate was spent on “legal services” to the law firm who attacked Action 4 Liberty. That law firm also employs former Democrat Rep Rob Ecklund, who was one of the targets of our door knocking campaign in 2021 when he voted to protect Governor Tim Walz' illegal emergency powers. What a small world!

The complaint allegation was that Action 4 Liberty paid an intern to provide “free services” to the Dippel campaign, which according to them, would be an illegal corporate contribution. 

Despite us doing absolutely nothing wrong - completely innocent of the charge - the highly politicized Campaign Finance Board, made up of political appointees by Democrat Governor Tim Walz, launched an investigation into us. We're in a position now to prove our innocence because the presumption by them is that we're guilty, until proven innocent. What an anti-american ideal! Look what they wrote in their draft probable cause letter:

The CFB was given clear evidence that refutes the "evidence" submitted by the complainant. Their newest WITCH HUNT on Action 4 Liberty is about to begin.

I say "newest" because GOP insiders did the exact thing to us one year ago and we’ve been under harassment from the CFB since then, including two administrative subpoenas delivered to my house in front of my family. That case is set to be concluded this week as the new case is just beginning. Convenient.

What’s interesting about the new case is that the alleged violation happened in June of 2022. The guy duped into signing the complaint, Matt Werden, signed the complaint in February of this year. And the official complaint was filed with the CFB in April of this year. They held onto this for almost a year and dropped the investigation on us when we were in the middle of fighting against the Radical Leftist agenda at the Capitol. 

When Tom Dippel won the Party endorsement in April of 2022, he reached out to the SVF in good faith to work together with them to beat the Democrat candidate, Judy Seeberger. In late May when Dippel filed for office with the Secretary of State, he had a meeting with SVF employees that was described as “hostile.” 

They told Dippel that they had evidence he was violating campaign finance laws and should withdraw his candidacy as the endorsed Republican candidate. Unbeknownst to Dippel at the time, Senate Republican Karin Housely reached out to Tony Jurgens and encouraged him to run for the seat despite losing the endorsement to Dippel a month earlier.

When Dippel decided to not follow SVF staffer’s threat, he received an August primary challenger in Tony Jurgens who had the backing of the SVF. For the next couple months, the SVF used staff and resources to work against the Republican endorsed candidate. The young woman who made the erroneous allegation against us, Ms. Manteufel, was seen all summer helping the Jurgens campaign

But voters saw through it all. They preferred the grassroots conservative over the RINO Establishment hack, Tony Jurgens. Dippel won by 20 points on primary night.

Disgruntled loser Jurgens, who had the full backing of Campbell and the SVF, went on to publicly endorse the Democrat in the race and actively campaign for her. Democrats won the seat by only 321 votes, the smallest victory margin in the state. That tipped the balance of power in the entire Minnesota government to the Democrats.

GOP Insiders played with fire, worked against the Endorsed Republican candidate, blew $240,000 on legal services, and LOST the Minnesota Senate to Radical Metro Democrats who passed gun control, abortion on demand, genital mutilation surgery and tax increases. Their candidate was just a crony Democrat in disguise!

So why, a year later, launch an attack on Tom Dippel and Action 4 Liberty?

The Democrat and Republican Establishments HATE competition. They prefer a MONOPOLY on election politics and anyone who activates a large contingent of grassroots, conservative activists is a threat to their power.

Plus, there's nearly no cost to them. Once the highly politicized CFB starts investigating, it costs groups like us time, energy and legal fees to prove our innocence. The costs incurred by the CFB are paid by taxpayers. Plus, they hope it makes us stop exposing them or even quit politics all together. They believe this will tarnish our name and reputation. And more importantly, as the CFB investigates, they hope that private information about our organization gets revealed so they learn our tactics and processes to activate patriots across the state. 

In the end, we did nothing wrong, so after months or maybe a year of harassment, they'll find nothing and can't conclude a violation occurred. But the damage they seek will already have been done. To them, the process of us bogged down in an investigation is the objective and it costs them nothing.

But here at Action 4 Liberty, we're wised up to these corrupt schemes against grassroots conservatives and we DO NOT BACK DOWN to a fight. Our mission is to protect liberty for the next generation. We can't fail at that!


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  • Jake Duesenberg
    published this page in News 2023-06-07 15:05:37 -0500