Fool Me Once! Con Artist Lislegard Weighs In on Sanctuary State Bill

Con Artist politician Dave Lislegard (DFL - Aurora) weighed in on the Democrat's big push to make Minnesota a Sanctuary State for illegal aliens. "SO THERE IS NO MISUNDERSTANDING" tweeted Lislegard, "I do NOT support Minnesota becoming a Sanctuary State."

Many Capitol observers look at this statement as a sign that the Sanctuary State bill doesn't stand much of a chance of passing the Minnesota House, where Democrats have a small majority. But what good is Lislegard's statement? In 2020, Lislegard infamously broke from the Democrat caucus and voted to end Governor Walz' Emergency Powers many times. But after the election when the Democrat majority shrank, and his vote could've instantly ended the powers and helped businesses in his districts from Walz' illegal shutdown orders, Lislegard did a 180 and voted to protect Walz' powers.

Con Artist Lislegard has no integrity. His great con of 2021 shows he doesn't call all the shots - instead, he listens to the Metro Democrat bosses. His recently publicized finance report shows it. Lislegard set a self-declared off-election year legislative fundraising record by bringing in large donations from wealthy Twin Cities donors, lobbyists and Special Interests. 

It doesn't matter how much Lislegard pretends to be a moderate Democrat from the Iron Range, he's just another radical Democrat politician who is destroying this state. He continues caucusing with the same people who legalized transgender surgeries for 6 yr olds, allowed pedophilia to be considered a sexual orientation, and who spent a $21 Billion surplus instead of giving it back to us.

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  • Russell Jackson
    commented 2024-02-15 10:32:33 -0600
    If this sanctuary bill passes, illegals should be sent to his personal home and the community he lives in. Not sure the name of his hometown is. It is bad enough the illegals get free health care and college tuition. I have to go and buy a new umbrella because the own I have is ruined from the MN DFL party urinating on it every day. Seems like US citizens do not count for much in MN.
  • Jake Duesenberg
    published this page in News 2024-02-13 08:18:42 -0600