GOP Slammed With Over $100k In Fines From FEC

The Republican Party has celebrated campaign finance complaints (that they themselves have filed) against Action 4 Liberty in the past. Now, they face a monumental fine from the Federal Elections Committee for campaign malpractice in 2018 and 2020.

The first fine totals $53,000 from the 2018 election cycle. This comes after the state party failed to maintain records on employee payroll and disbursements made to 13 different communications vendors. The second fine totals $58,500, coming from another failure to accurately report receipts on disbursements as well as accepting more contributions than the legal limit. 

As of January 2023, the Republican Party of Minnesota only has $3,000 in cash.

The Minnesota GOP is also violating Minnesota Campaign Finance Board (CFB) rules when it comes to properly accounting for charging candidates for data.

The Minnesota DFL charges its candidates for access to party data, which must be priced at "fair market value", according to the CFB. The DFL charges the candidate's committee $400 for state house candidates and $800 for state senate candidates, respectively. Those charges can be found on the DFL's campaign finance reports.

However, the MNGOP isn't charging its candidates at all for data access. Even if the data is a contribution to the various campaigns, the MNGOP is violating state laws by not disclosing those contributions as "in-kind" on its reports. 

In typical swamp fashion, the only example we've seen of the Party trying to charge candidates for data is when Chairman David Hann cut off data access to grassroots, conservative candidates who were facing establishment challengers in the 2022 Primary. After Action 4 Liberty broke the story, the party buckled and resumed data access for these candidates without accessing the ridiculous fees that, in some case, exceeded $10,000. 

Despite the MNGOP's legal and financial problems, they continue to attack Action 4 Liberty and its conservative volunteers. They are trying to divide conservatives, which is not a recipe for building a Party that failed to lose all branches of state government in the recent election.

That’s why groups like Action 4 Liberty are needed now more than ever. If Republicans won’t do it, it is up to Action 4 Liberty to expose the records of leftist legislators who are waging a full-scale on your liberties. 

Just yesterday, we had a team in the St. Cloud area putting pressure on swing-district Senator Aric Putnam. We passed out hundreds of flyers letting voters know they must hold their politicians accountable.

Though conservative activists wish the best for the GOP, they know that the current leadership is not capable of standing up for their principles in the face of leftists. Let's keep grassroots conservatives engaged so that we can take back our liberties in 2024, 2026, and beyond.

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  • William Beck
    published this page in News 2023-03-03 17:00:23 -0600