Full Democrat control in Minnesota has led us down a dark path towards destruction. There was no need for compromise, debate, or common sense when radical leftists control the Legislature, Executive Branch, courts, and media. Demoncrats checked off every item on their Communist wishlist and there is no end in sight. The Dems didn’t win Minnesota because they are cunning and have great ideas. The Dems won because the MNGOP is totally ineffective and corrupt.
Corrupt MNGOP Chair David Hann and other goons in the party have done everything they can to silence and muzzle grassroots patriots instead of doing the hard work of winning elections. It is the job and duty of the state Republican party to treat candidates fairly during the endorsement process, support endorsed candidates, push a conservative agenda, win Republican majorities, and pressure Legislators to live up to the promises they made on the campaign trail. Unfortunately, the MNGOP is more concerned with intra-party power grabs than fighting for our liberty.
It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that the leader of a party is responsible for their performance in an election. In this case, we saw unpopular Democrats running for re-election statewide in what was supposed to be a red wave year. Instead of rallying conservatives to unify behind strong messaging, Hann and the MNGOP preferred weak, anti-freedom Republicans over strong conservatives in nearly every district and race. Hann even went as far as cutting off data access for endorsed candidates weeks before the primary simply because they didn’t fit into Hann’s establishment mold. Those candidates included Tom Dippel (Cottage Grove), Mark Bishofsky (Stillwater), Bill Lieske (Lonsdale), Natalie Barnes (Prior Lake) and Bret Bussman (Browerville). The Establishment similarly did this to Jeremy Munson in 2020.
Following the primary, things did not get much better. During the general election, Hann sent out an email to candidates demanding that they use establishment, “poll-tested” answers as it relates to abortion. Hann even suggests that Minnesota has a Constitutional Right to have abortions! Instead of confronting Demoncrats on their support for late-term/post-birth abortions, Hann wanted candidates to be defensive and play right into the liberals’ hands. Recently, MNGOP puppets locked out 33 patriotic GOP delegates from the Otter Tail County Republican convention! Corrupt actors will stop at no end to feed into their power hungry egos.
Now the MNGOP is flat out broke! It’s long been known that they are pathetic fundraisers (largely due to shutting out grassroots conservative voices) but now we know that they couldn’t be fiscally responsible to save their lives! The MNGOP is $334,000 in debt and only has $53.81 in the bank according to their most recent FEC report! This is the party of fiscal conservatism? Comparatively, the Minnesota Democrats have over $794,000 in the bank and zero debt.
MNGOP conventions and Republican events statewide are notorious for desperate tactics to squeeze money out of conservatives. Even to be a guest (non-voting member) at their recent State Central Committee meeting cost you $40. When you add all of the convention attendance payments, merchandise sales, small and big donations, and government handouts the party gets, they should be loaded! Perhaps they are at rock bottom because they’ve spent all of their money sending out cheesy and ineffective mailers like the one below:
Or maybe the MNGOP is broke because they’ve been bankrolling a liberal law firm used by the Establishment to target Action 4 Liberty. As we’ve reported, the MNGOP swamp has a wing in the State Senate with their ironically named unit: The Senate Victory Fund (SVF). The SVF is currently weaponizing the state government against Action 4 Liberty for phony allegations. However, the MNGOP paid the same law firm $38,000 (with nearly $28,000 in debt) in 2022 and you can read the report for yourself here. See the disbursement below:
To make matters worse, reporting suggests that the MNGOP has not paid their staff since February! There is zero motivation to make the party strong and competitive because they can't afford to pay talent! Politics is a game that takes money to win and that will never happen when losers lead the party.
The MNGOP is in shambles and David Hann has a proven track record of sinking the ship. Hann attacks conservative candidates, supports unendorsed RINOs, shuns common citizen Patriots, wastes donation money, and loses elections up and down the ticket. If the Republican Party ever wants to be effective and win in Minnesota, it starts at the top. Look to the leaders who failed us and gave us complete Democratic control for blame. The failures of the MNGOP rests solely on David Hann and the Establishment’s lap.
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