In a highly anticipated event, the MNGOP State Central Committee met Saturday, December 14th for a long day which dragged on for around ten and a half hours thanks to RINO speakers and other establishment nonsense. However, there was important business that took place for the elections for Chair, Deputy Chair, and Secretary.
Action 4 Liberty has been on the frontlines of reporting the corruption of the MNGOP and the party officer elections has been no exception. Our exposure of RINO party officer candidates to the crony and establishment Nominations Committee (NomCom) chaired by puppet Aaron Farris to Farris leaking Bret Bussman’s NomCom interview, A4L has been the leader in providing honest, liberty-based reporting in Minnesota.
Read our previous reporting on Hann being ousted as Chair here. Conservative delegates ultimately consolidated around former RNC Committeeman and current Wayzata City Councilman Alex Plechash during the third round of voting.
Action 4 Liberty also identified tens of thousands of Patriots in Minnesota for years, trained them on caucusing/conventions, spent hundreds of thousands mobilizing with mass mailing campaigns, made tens of thousands of phone calls, and kept them active in the political process as delegates. Our work has contributed massively to the defeat of RINO David Hann.
The State Central Committee meeting was chaired by Rep. Danny Nadeau (34A) and the parliamentarian was Rep. Harry Niska (31A). One of the kickoff speakers to the event was Globalist RINO Tom Emmer who said “losing is not an option”... If Emmer truly thought that, why would he force CD2 Republicans to run a carpetbagging RINO like Joe Teirab who went on to lose to Angie Craig by over 13 points?
Bias appeared to be amidst when Nadeau falsely claimed that it takes a 2/3rds vote to overrule his rulings. As this clearly not being adherent to Roberts Rules of Order, it was challenged by the body and corrected by Parliamentarian Niska. Many delegates thought Nadeau and Niska were generally fair and adherent to the rules during the entire convention.
A resolution was passed that demanded transparency from Hann surrounding the Wyoming-based mystery company called 1972-10 that the MNGOP has given tens of thousands of dollars to. Due to Wyoming laws, the ownership and other knowledge of this company has been kept secret. Some rumors have connected this company to a former MNGOP Deputy Chair turned "White Dude for Kamala". See resolution below:
Hann then gave a ten minute campaign speech to the body in response where he said absolutely nothing and did not disclose anything about 1972-10.
The State Central body sent a message by completely throwing out the Nominations Committee’s corrupt report, thus, allowing Bret Bussman to compete in the Chair race despite the NomCom labeling him “Disqualified”. As we’ve reported, the NomCom was weaponized by the establishment with puppet Aaron Farris as the chair. Farris then accused Action 4 Liberty of leaking information, then he leaked the information himself like the hypocrite he is! We know that our reporting on that story led to delegates fighting this and winning.
Totals for the Chair race can be found in our previous article.
Walter Hudson, who has held himself out to be a grassroots liberty champion, instead endorsed establishment RINO David Hann, who had sought to squash the grassroots. Walter gave embarrassing nominating speeches for RINO David Hann and then appeared on stage again after his boss was fired by the body so he could nominate Kip Christianson. While Walter engaged in petty disputes with grassroots Patriots on X and played cover for RINO candidates, the grassroots was busy replacing them! In one speech by Hudson, he claimed that there was someone in the convention room who leads an organization that wants a weak MNGOP, hinting that A4L President Erik Mortensen did not want to see a Republican party FIGHT to restore our God-given freedoms! Perhaps Erik Mortensen doesn't want RINOs who backstab the grassroots in charge of the party! Walter's vagueness and absurd claim furthers his journey toward obscurity.
The results for the first round of voting for Deputy Chair was as follows:
144 - Kip Christianson
107 - Donna Bergstrom
84 - Fred Hage
3 - Blank
Fred Hage did not endorse any candidate in his concession speech and that resulted in a razor thin margin of victory for Donna Bergstrom in the second round of voting. Donna defeated RINO David Hann’s hand-selected candidate, weirdo Kip Christianson by just 5 votes. The results were as follows:
167 - Donna Bergstrom
162 - Kip Christianson
While both candidates were fundamentally flawed and not aligned with the mission of liberty, the defeat of Kip was a final blow to the establishment’s desired outcome. David Hann, Kip Chrisitanson, and Walter Hudson all emerge from this State Central as major losers who should treat today’s results as a learning opportunity.
The MNGOP Secretary race was also a massive fight which determined whether the body preferred elections or selections. After Ed Gross failed to get 30 signatures and Alec Beck dropped out, Joy Orvis was unopposed until Erik van Mechelen announced a run and collected the signatures of over 30 delegates. As a former Secretary of State candidate and hardcore election integrity activist, van Mechelen presented a strong case with his documentation and in conversation with delegates but was not allowed to speak after a standing vote. While some delegates likely voted against his allowance out of being pooped, they should perhaps take their delegate roles more seriously and allow a proper election be held. Erik van Mechelen provided a perfect example of the MNGOP keeping grassroots Patriots out of the movement. Joy Orvis faced zero competition and should be watched like a hawk during critical votes on the State Executive Committee.
The MNGOP appears to be heading in a more conservative direction thanks to delegates who accepted the task of sitting through a mind-numbingly boring State Central meeting and canned David Hann! The RINOs can feel that the grassroots are onto their games and they can’t hide anymore! There were plenty of wins and losses for all sides at today’s event, which shows that the battle for liberty is still underway. Action 4 Liberty will continue leading on this forefront and give Patriots fact-based, liberty-centered reporting that cannot be found anywhere else.
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