MPPOA Endorse Radical Dems, One Convicted of DUI Last Year!

While law enforcement and police officers deserve adequate representation for their interests to be presented to the Legislature, their interests have been pushed aside by those who are supposed to be fighting for them. Instead of fighting FOR cops, corrupt “pro-police” groups have helped create our current political environment. 

The Minnesota Police and Peace Officers’ Association (MPPOA) has long been a crony group that is deeply entrenched in the St. Paul swamp. MPPOA Executive Director Brian Peters has led this charge and continues to let down rank and file cops across Minnesota. While one might think that this group would be conservative and pro-Constitution, they supported gun control last year

The MPPOA released a statement in support of radical leftist Rep. Dave Pinto’s (64B) bill (HF14) which required background checks for all firearm sales and transfers, even between friends and family!  Their statement used liberal talking points like calling semi-automatic rifles “weapons of war” and stated that the bill would keep “residents and law enforcement officers safe from the threat of gun violence” despite this bill targeting law-abiding Patriots instead of criminals. See below:

To further diminish their credibility, just last month the MPPOA gave gun-grabbing, pro-child mutilation Senator Judy Seeberger (SD41) their award for ‘Legislator of the Year’! The MPPOA has also waded into GOP primaries before, always backing establishment hacks over conservative Patriots. Sometimes they even take things a step further by endorsing Democrats over Republicans!

Just a few days ago the MPPOA endorsed drunk driver Rep. Dan Wolgamott (14B), who was caught drinking vodka in a liquor store parking lot, was arrested and blew a 0.08 BAC (blood alcohol concentration). Wolgamott pled guilty to this crime and had a 45 day jail sentence be stayed for two years. He also had to pay a $400 fine and take a series of health and safety courses. Despite Wolgomatt endangering the lives of Minnesotans and his continued push for the radical left agenda, the MPPOA endorsed him for re-election! He even had the MPPOA's 'Legislator of the Year' honor before Seeberger! The MPPOA is supporting CRIMINALS over COPS!

They have also endorsed psychotic Angie Craig (CD2) for her re-election bid! This is not the first time they have endorsed Craig and Wolgamott but their continued support for Democrats and RINOs has sent a clear message to conservatives across our state: The MPPOA does not have the police’s best interest at heart! The MPPOA was even supportive of a bill (HF4) by Socialist Rep. Aisa Gomez (62B) which gave drivers licenses to illegals! Illegal immigrants make our state and police LESS safe! Why does the MPPOA continually stab police officers in the back? See their statement below:

Voters must be fully aware that the MPPOA is a corrupt group that cares more about their relationship with Democrat politicians than they do about the police officers and citizens of our state. Exec. Director Brian Peters has led the MPPOA right into the ground and has lost their organization all credibility. Conservatives will choose to support law enforcement in capacities other than the MPPOA because they continually endorse Democrats who are destroying our state and nation. If they want to regain the trust of the People, they must first fight for an agenda that puts the People (citizens) first!

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  • MAGA Jesse Smith
    published this page in News 2024-07-18 12:38:29 -0500