Two Steps to Stop Biden & Walz' Mandates

Our team is working around the clock to Stop Vaccine Mandates in Minnesota. To be brief, here are the two steps on how we can stop Biden and Walz' mandates in Minnesota:

Step 1 - Unify all Republicans in the Minnesota House and Senate on not passing the $250 Million Frontline Workers Pay Bill unless it has Rep Erik Mortensen's Stop Vaccine Mandates Amendment attached to it. We must get the Party of freedom on board first. They should ALL sign the pledge.

Step 2 - Create overwhelming political pressure on Walz and vulnerable Democrats to sign on and pass the legislation. We just did that in June to End Walz' Emergency Powers!

This plan would nullify Biden's executive orders in Minnesota! Please call or email your legislator immediately. It makes a difference! Can we count on you?



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  • Jake Duesenberg
    published this page in News 2021-09-14 19:26:19 -0500