Yes you read that right, the MNGOP's state account has only $57K following the first quarter of 2024 according to their latest CFB report filed by MNGOP treasurer Lee Prinkkila. This is peanuts compared to the Democrat stockpile of $1.4M. This latest embarrassment is further proof that the party is out of touch with grassroots conservatives. Additionally, the MNGOP raised only $70 in small dollar donations! See them listed as "non-itemized" below:
The Campaign Finance Board (CFB) oversees political campaign and party reporting in Minnesota. The CFB requires that party units record any donation over $20 with the donor’s name, address, donation date, and amount. If over $200, the party must also record the donor’s employment/occupation. See page 20 of the CFB Party Unit handbook here.
The MNGOP did raise $60K in reportable donations, however, this amount of money only came from FOUR people! This means that you could probably count on two hands how many people donated to the MNGOP in the first Quarter. See below:
The MNGOP currently sits with a little over $57K in their state account with over $100K in debt. In comparison, the Democrats have over $1.4 Million in their State Central Committee report! This is not even factoring in the $2.7 Million in the DFL House and Senate Caucuses combined! The GOP House and Senate units, HRCC and SVF, combined have over $2.1M. See all Q1 party unit reports here.
The MNGOP leadership would rebut this article by suggesting that they have hundreds of thousands of dollars in their federal account (which they pay their salaries from). This is partially true because their federal account does have over $300K in cash on hand but it is over $370K in debt! Not only is the federal account also struggling, but zero dollars from those funds can be spent to defeat the Democrat trifecta in Minnesota since the money can only be spent on federal races. More information on their federal account can be found here.
The Democrats operate like machinery in steamrolling their agenda through. It is a shame to see Ken Martin lack worthy competitors in the MNGOP leadership. The MNGOP is desperate for money and, as we recently reported, is raising the prices on delegates and alternates at the state convention and state central meeting. Delegates should prepare for a long, grandstanding lecture about how it is actually YOUR fault that the MNGOP fundraising is doing so poorly. David Hann even sent out a fundraising letter that said to re-elect Michelle Fischbach, despite Steve Boyd and Annette Watson challenging Fischbach for the GOP Endorsement in CD7. Party leaders are supposed to be neutral pre-Endorsement!
To make matters even worse, David Hann and others in the MNGOP leadership are wasting their resources on costly lawyers, some of whom have falsely targeted and attacked Action 4 Liberty. Instead of paying off convention event centers and other debts they are seemingly delinquent to, the priority is always to have just enough to pay David Hann and his puppet lawyers. See the full party debt below:
To claim that the MNGOP leadership is failing conservatives would be the understatement of the year. It is clear that the grassroots is rallying and unifying behind President Trump’s campaign but they refuse to donate to the state party. While Hann and others might argue that the lack of donations is because of inflation and financial struggles, the argument holds no weight when compared to the Democratic Party’s stockpile. David Hann is clearly not the man for the job because the grassroots does not trust to give him money, in some part due to his past anti-Trump comments.
Despite the constant failures of the MNGOP, Republicans remain competitive off of the backs of greater Minnesota voters. The State Senate is one seat away from GOP control in spite of the disaster leadership. Conservatives feel betrayed by the MNGOP, especially in Otter Tail County, and put their dollars into campaigns and organizations they can trust. If the MNGOP wants to make our state competitive for President Trump and State House Republicans, they need to embrace the America First/MAGA agenda that the grassroots is clamoring for. Caving to Democrats has gotten Republicans to this point, will anything change? That’s up to the delegates.
See other A4L reporting on MNGOP party debt in July 2023 here and Dec 2023 here.
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