Out of the blue this week, the Republican Party of Minnesota (aka MNGOP) sent out a fundraising email asking for donations to keep Trump on the ballot in Minnesota. We reported a couple months ago that there is an effort by RINOs and Democrats to keep Trump off the ballot in the 2024 election, which will be argued in front of the Minnesota Supreme Court. This fundraising email was strange because the Party has refused to put out any form of communications condemning the egregious election interference cases against Trump, their leading primary candidate. Now they're defending him when there's a fundraising angle.
We've now learned that the MNGOP plans on exhausting big resources in this court case and has hired anti-liberty lawyer Reid LeBeau as Trump's last line of defense to stay on the ballot in the state. LeBeau is the Establishment's go-to lawyer who often does the dirty work for them against grassroots conservatives. Most notably, LeBeau wrote and filed an erroneous campaign finance complaint against Action 4 Liberty.
Reid Lebeau was also the retained counsel for the MNGOP in the summer of 2022 when the Party cut off data access for endorsed, grassroots conservative candidates like Natalie Barnes and Tom Dippel, to name a few.
LeBeau's law firm, the Jacobson Law Group (Jacobson Magnuson Anderson & Halloran PC), which has a heavy lobbying presence at the Capitol, hired one of the con artist Democrat legislators, Rob Ecklund, who protected Governor Walz' illegal emergency powers back in 2020-21. Although they are better known for protecting gambling interests of the metro area tribes, as this appears to be one of their biggest clients.
The Jacobson Law Group was also behind a second erroneous campaign finance complaint against Action 4 Liberty this year. We're currently forced to go to the court system as the Campaign Finance Board has been weaponized against us by the Republican and Democrat Establishment. The Board is appointed by Governor Tim Walz.
When we dug into the corrupt scheme against us, we learned that the Republican Senate Victory Fund made a mysterious (and so far unexplained) payment to Reid LeBeau's law firm one day before the November, 2022 election for $200,000. Days later, the Senate Victory Fund lost the majority, which gave the Democrats a trifecta of power in St Paul.
We have information that lawyers have offered pro-bono work for the MNGOP in this legal case, but were turned down. Of all the lawyers in Minnesota, why are they hiring the anti-liberty, anti-grassroots, and probably anti-Trump, establishment Republican lawyer to keep Trump on the ballot?
Is Reid LeBeau a plant to purposely tank this case to allow the removal of Trump? After all the attacks he’s been behind on you and me as liberty activists, one has to wonder.
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