Minnesotans were forced to live under tyranny during Covid because of power hungry hacks like Walz and spineless RINOs, especially RINOs with leadership positions in the state legislature.
Among the RINOs to blame for the never ending, unconstitutional Emergency Power declaration by Walz, Paul Gazelka tops the chart. Gazelka was cutting deals with Democrats insteading fighting ruthlessly to end the Emergency Powers, refused to fire tyrant Health Commissioner Jan Malcolm (whose appointment was never approved by the state senate), and refused to bring a vote to end Emergency Powers at the adjournment of the 2020 legislative session. Gazelka’s humiliating, last place Governor campaign was emblematic of how little conservatives respected him and his lack of courage when a fighter was needed.
Despite having ZERO credibility on Covid or conservative leadership, Paul Gazelka has a book out that purports that he was a FIGHTER against Walz! Libraries and stores who are unfortunate enough to own a few copies of this book would be better served putting it in the fiction section because it doesn’t bear resemblance to reality. See below:
Humorously, Gazelka made a post on X shaming politicians who monetize their legislative experience! Does he have cognitive dissonance or is he corrupt? That is EXACTLY what he is doing with this book! See post below:
Gazelka may talk tough about Walz NOW but he had the following to say about Walz and the 2019 State of the State speech Tyrant Timmy gave: “We’re not here to have petty arguments with one another … we’re not here to send out mean tweets” and continued “The Governor is reaching out to us and saying let’s build Minnesota together,” Gazelka said. “We will respond to that together. We will respond to that positively and say, ‘We can do this.’ ”
Gazelka’s desperate attempt to stay relevant in Minnesota politics hits a wall once people discover his record. His credibility has been diminished because it is clear that he is an establishment, boot-licking phony. Below you will find several examples of the actual leadership of Gazelka:
- Cut budget and bonding bill deals with Dems while Emergency Powers were ongoing
- Advocated for a fake & dangerous “end” Emergency Powers bill.
- Voted for HF2414 (2019) which increased spending by $2B and funded Planned Parenthood abortions.
- Publicly admitted that Republicans (including him) vote to fund abortions.
- Voted for HF4404 (2018) and HF1 (2020) which were debt bills that spent a combined $2.75B.
- Negotiated the debt bills with Walz and lobbyist legislator Kurt Daudt while there was a $2.4B surplus.
- Refused to allow the Never Again Bill to be heard on the senate floor.
- Proposed a budget that grew the size of government by $4.2B or 9% and increased the funding for the tyrannical Dept. of Health that targeted small businesses by $2.5B or 18%.
- Increased the funding of Antifa Keith Ellison’s budget by $8M or 17%.
- Added his signature to a resolution promoting a liberal gay pride group for “contributions to the LGBTQIA+ community” including children!
- A campaign staffer for Gazelka during his Governor campaign, Mandy Heffron, deleted names of duly elected delegates and replaced them with non-duly elected delegates in Morrison County.
While Gazelka is seeking to rewrite history, Action 4 Liberty will continue to remind Patriots of the truth. Our tactics have proven to cause real political change that meaningfully advances the cause of liberty, unfortunately, Alpha News has chosen a different route on RINO Paul Gazelka. The access based political method employed by Alpha News may prove to be worthless when giving friendly, softball interviews to has-been crooks like Gazelka.
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