Walz Breaks His Own Rules - Why Should We Follow Them?
Governor Walz broke several of his own orders while attending the highly politicized Memorial Service for George Floyd on Thursday. According to Walz's numerous press conferences on extending his illegal orders, his administration is using "science" to protect the health of Minnesotans by reducing the spread of COVID when ordering social distancing, the use of facemarks, reduced capacity, etc. Many of these orders were broken on Thursday and according to Walz' own statements, "endanger the public".
According to the Pioneer Press, Walz' order of 250 person maximum capacity was violated as they counted around 500 people in attendance for the service. The image provided by the Star Tribune shows Walz not adhering to the six feet social distancing rules, which is the basis of the capacity rule.
Walz Executive Order that was announced by his administration on May 23rd states:
Walz states in the executive order that he continues "to urge all Minnesotans to limit their in-person interactions with people outside of their households. And, as I have emphasized in previous Executive Orders, I strongly urge Minnesotans at heightened risk to stay home except for essential activities, and I urge faith communities to continue to provide remote services to the maximum extent possible."
Although not part of the executive order, Walz made an infamous statement when extending his orders in May that people should not sing in church. Floyd's Memorial Service was filled with singing. His Dept of Health has this recommendation on its website:
All of this occurred while Walz is keeping Minnesota restaurants, bars, camping/resorts and fitness clubs partially or fully closed for the exact reasons as stated above. Meanwhile, Wisconsin has had no spike in COVID related deaths in the three weeks since it reopened.
Action 4 Liberty has spoken to hundreds of Minnesota businesses in the past two weeks who are on the cusp of failure if they don't reopen immediately. Yesterday, Walz slapped those businesses in the face by ordering only a partial reopening on June 10th, costing them another weekend of revenue (we only get so many nice summer weekends here).
At this point, why would anyone follow Walz' illegal orders if he won't do it himself? The orders are clearly not based on well established science. All of the modeling data they used for policy-making has been overblown. And we know now that the virus mostly kills people who are already passed the life expectancy age, with few exceptions that are based on other underlying health issues.
Sure, the killing of George Floyd is tragic and we certainly aren't arguing against his family holding a funeral service. But all Minnesota families who have lost a loved one in the past couple months also deserve the same treatment by Governor Walz, even if it doesn't get him social browny points with voters.
Walz broke his own rules - it's time we break them as well.
Walz' Partial Open Is Slap In the Face Of Businesses
This afternoon, Governor Walz partially opened up Minnesota by turning the dials, as they say in St Paul. Meaning Walz is continuing to exercise his illegal emergency powers which he believes allow him to move the metaphorical "open or close" dial for Minnesota businesses and citizens.
Despite the massive evidence suggesting that the COVID pandemic is extremely overblown, Walz refused to open up restaurants, bars, gyms, resorts and churches fully. Instead they are capped at 50% capacity (gyms are 25%). And...get this, the new loosening of restrictions doesn't take effect until June 10th. Minnesota restaurants and bars will have to suffer another beautiful Minnesota summer weekend with no cash flow.
Action 4 Liberty has chatted to hundreds of businesses in the last couple weeks who are affected by Walz' illegal orders. One of those businesses made headlines when they planned opening up early. Walz sent Attorney General Ellison to the scene who threaten a lawsuit and massive fines for disobeying the order.
By our count, at least 50 business secretly opened up last Friday throughout the state. More are expected to open up this weekend in defiance of Governor Walz. Businesses in Greater Minnesota just can't survive another weekend with their doors closed.
In the press conference, Walz stated that his partial reopening leaves uncertainty on the impact of spreading the Coronavirus in the state. However, our neighbors to the East have now been reopened for over three weeks without a spike in COVID related deaths. On top of that, South Dakota never closed and remains in good shape.
Action 4 Liberty believes Governor Walz has clearly shown he is violating the oath of office by trampling on our rights. We encourage people to sign the petition to Recall Walz.
Liberate Hanover Resolution Passes - Walz Order Not Enforceable
The Liberate Hanover Resolution was passed last night by the Hanover City Council that nullifies the illegal orders by Governor Walz. According to the resolution, "city resources, whether physical, financial or otherwise, including but not limited to city staff and personnel, city contractors and subcontractors, or assistance of any kind tied to the city, or any cooperation to any other governments including federal, state, or county, shall not be used to enforce any of Governor Walz’ COVID-19 Emergency Executive Orders."
Hanover's mayor, Chris Kauffman, signed the resolution into law. The City Council recognized the individual rights of its citizens and their oath to uphold the protected rights in the Constitution. Here's a copy of the Resolution:
It's Time for Walz to End His Illegal Orders and Open Up
Minnesotans have endured nearly three months of horribly misguided public policymaking by Governor Walz. Not only has the COVID-19 modeling been completely wrong, but Walz has taken unprecedented steps in usurping his constitutional powers by mandating the closures of a large segment of our economy. For this reason, we joined the effort to Recall Walz.
But the time has come for Walz to realize his mistakes and remove his illegal orders so we can start dining at restaurants, have a drink at our favorite restaurants, get our haircut by our barber or, for God's sake, go camping in northern Minnesota! Even Michigan has opened back up!
Afraid that a sudden reopening of bars/restaurants will lead to countless deaths? Well, where's the body count in our neighbors to the East. It's been 3 weeks since the Wisconsin Supreme Court struck down Governor Evers shutdown orders, and there's been no spike in deaths in Wisconsin and no drastic spike in cases. In fact, newly reported deaths (highlighted in light blue) have remained relatively flat since the 5/13 reopening.
The data in Minnesota, just like in Wisconsin, suggests that the deaths due to COVID are overwhelmingly experienced in our older populations. The average age of COVID related death is higher than the average life expectancy. Let that sink in.
If Walz was really concerned about mass gathering leading to deaths, then certainly the protestors he empathizes with flooding the streets of the Twin Cities will have blood on their hands. Look at the crowds outside his mansion yesterday.
Minnesota's greatest joys like summer parades, county fairs and the Great Minnesota Get-Together are all now cancelled for the summer based on Walz' orders. Think of the jobs and businesses connected to those events that are now facing serious financial turmoil.
Enough is enough. Walz needs to own up to his mistake and end the shutdown now. Minnesota has suffered greatly this year and we're at a boiling point. Are we going to continue down the path of Walz' failed leadership and illegal policies, or are we going to work together to safely open our state back up? The time has come to reopen Minnesota!
Jensen, Senate Let Us Down
The 2020 Regular Legislative Session is officially over. Senate Republicans have completely let us down by never bringing the Resolution to End Walz' Emergency Powers to the Senate floor.
We had hopes Sen. Scott Jensen would do it, but ultimately he appeared to care more about protecting his colleagues than doing what was right for Minnesota. Add him to the growing list of fake champions up at the Capitol who are all talk!
The House Democrats are no better. While hundreds of thousands of Minnesotans are out of work, they protected Walz' Illegal Emergency Powers while giving pay raises to government employees.
So now we have no legislature in session and a Governor who is unilaterally making laws that hurt our families and our businesses. There's talk around the Capitol that he might use these powers to change how our elections are conducted this fall.
We've also learned that our radical Attorney General Keith Ellison is harassing private business owners who want to open back up. An owner of multiple bar/restaurants in Stearns County is facing a $25k fine if he opens his doors.
Did you hear about Axel's Bonfire and Pazzaluna permanently closing? Restaurants and bars are faced with a choice: defy the Governor's orders or go out of business.
How is this America anymore?!
We're not giving up on this important fight to End Walz' Emergency Powers. There's no bigger political issue of our lifetime. Failure is NOT an option.
Action 4 Liberty is going city by city across Minnesota nullifying Walz' illegal orders by passing the "Liberate Our City" resolutions. We've already started building in communities like Albertville, Maple Grove, Blooming Prairie, Shakopee and East Bethel.
Tonight, Albertville city councilman Walter Hudson will be introducing the "Liberate Albertville" Resolution in the council meeting.
If passed, these resolutions create legal cover for businesses to defy the Governor's orders because they instruct city staff and employees that no city resources, including law enforcement, can be used to violate the rights of citizens by enforcing the Governor's illegal orders.
Since politicians at the Capitol have failed us, it's time to get the work done at the local level.
Our mission at Action 4 Liberty is to preserve liberty for the next generation. Stay tuned as we continue this important work to End Walz' Emergency Powers.
Follow us at action4liberty.com for the most up-to-date information.
Final Countdown - Politicians Making Deal on Debt Bill for Extending Walz' Powers
We're under 72 hours left of the 2020 Legislative Session and the chances of terminating Walz' Emergency Powers are deteriorating because some Republican legislators are more concerned about passing a large debt bill than opening all of Minnesota. Rep Jeremy Munson and members of the New House Republican Caucus have brought a vote to the House floor twice on the Resolution to End Walz' Emergency Powers, but the Senate Republicans refuse to do the same in their chamber. Republicans have a three person majority and could pass it immediately.
Action 4 Liberty has discussed the resolution with several Republican state senators and all of them have told us that senate "leadership" does not support it. Instead, Sen Paul Gazelka (R-East Gull Lake) put energy into a fake open bill that would require the Governor's signature (the Munson Resolution only requires the Legislature). Gazelka continues to tell the press that a large debt bill (aka bonding bill) will be a priority of the legislature before the session ends.
The Senate Republicans appear to be blind to the gloomy fiscal realities in Minnesota. Last week we learned that the state is projected to run a $2.4 Billion budget deficit in the next year, so a debt bill at this point would be fiscally irresponsible.
Even more concerning is the tone deaf Democrat majority in the Minnesota House. On Wednesday they passed a bill that gave state employees pay raises while the private sector is experiencing catastrophe. The pay raise bill would add another $440 Million cost to Minnesota taxpayers. While all Republicans in the House are now on board to Ending Walz' Emergency Powers, not a single Democrat voted for it.
House Minority Leader Kurt Daudt (R-Spectacle Lake) has made numerous statements lately that House Republicans won't help pass a bonding bill unless Walz' powers are terminated. Democrats need six Republicans on board in order to hit the required 60% needed for a debt bill's passage. Sources at the Capitol tell us that Daudt is cutting a deal behind the scenes with Democrat leadership to deliver the six votes needed. Most likely, the bargaining chip will be some pork projects that help Republican members. Daudt may also ask Democrat leadership to drop the ethics investigation into his employment with a D.C. lobbying firm.
Action 4 Liberty continues to call for an end to Walz' Emergency Powers. Passing a debt bill is not a valid compromise for the pain and suffering business owners and families across Minnesota are feeling. SIGN THE PETITION!
New House Republican Caucus Responds to Walz' Extension
St. Paul – The members of the New House Republican Caucus (NHRC) released the following statement regarding Governor Tim Walz’s decision to extend the peacetime emergency declaration:
“Governor Walz’s decision to extend the peacetime emergency order is foolhardy, dictatorial, and self-centered. The emergency declaration is the mechanism which gives the governor the ability to issue his executive edicts. However, the governor knows that his executive orders no longer enjoy the consent of the governed. As such, the governor announced that the stay-at-home order will expire on schedule, and businesses will be permitted to operate in an extremely limited capacity. Clearly, the governor still believes he has the almighty authority to suspend our God-given rights. But instead of going full speed in the wrong direction, Governor Walz has now opted to go half-speed in the wrong direction.
Moreover, a majority of Minnesota legislators are complicit in allowing the governor to maintain total control. The legislature could cancel the peacetime emergency order and end the economic shutdown today. Our caucus has led the effort to stop this governor’s unconstitutional actions by moving to end his peacetime emergency declaration. Instead, every single member of the Democrat majority in the Minnesota House of Representatives has repeatedly voted to give up their election certificates and authority to the governor. Those legislators have brought shame upon themselves that the history books will record. They have surrendered their seats to the governor’s office, and Governor Walz seems to enjoy nothing more than accumulating power.
So far, the most impactful thing Governor Walz has done during his tenure as our state’s executive is create a devastating recession. Proportionally, Minnesota has suffered twice the amount of COVID-19 deaths and twice the amount of unemployment as free states. That is not a record which demonstrates leadership, thoughtfulness, or capability. In the interest of five and half million Minnesotans, it is time for Governor Walz to admit his huge failure and end his destructive shutdown in its entirety. We are beginning to hit the rocks and the ship is breaking up.”
The NHRC is led by Rep. Steve Drazkowski (Republican-Mazeppa). It includes Rep. Cal Bahr (Republican-East Bethel), Rep. Tim Miller (Republican-Prinsburg), and Rep. Jeremy Munson (Republican-Lake Crystal).
House Democrats Up Pay for Gov't Employees While Private Sector Suffers
House Democrats voted for a bill (HF2768) yesterday that gives government employees in Minnesota a pay increase while the private sector is seeing unprecedented job losses and a contracting economy. The bill covers salaries of employees in the state's various agencies, including pay increases for those in Universities.
The 74-60 vote did not receive any Republican support and one Democrat, Paul Marquart (DFL-Dilworth), voted with the Republicans against the bill.
Many accuse House Democrats like Brad Tabke (DFL-Shakopee) of being tone deaf to the current struggles of the private sector which is experiencing an unemployment rate in Minnesota of over 20%. Erik Mortensen, the Republican challenger against Tabke, stated "my wife and I have volunteered to take pay cuts to help save jobs within our companies. This is utter BS!"
The bill is not likely to pass in the Minnesota Senate unless the Democrats use it as part of their bargaining for the final legislative session deal. Legislators have until 11:59 pm on Sunday to pass legislation before the constitutionally mandated adjournment.
Senate Passes Fake "Open Minnesota" Bill That Requires Governor's Signature
The Minnesota Senate Republicans passed a bill with DFL support today that was promoted as an "Open Minnesota" bill, but would keep Governor Walz' Emergency Powers in place and require businesses to follow guidelines by unelected bureaucrats before opening their doors. SF4511 authored by Sen Andrew Matthews fails to do what the Rep Munson Resolution in the House does: strip Governor Walz' of his illegal and unconstitutional emergency powers.
A bill or a resolution?
The Munson Resolution that received 100% Republican support in the Minnesota House on April 28th could be passed immediately by the Senate Republicans who have a three person majority in the chamber. Action 4 Liberty has called upon Senator Paul Gazelka to pass the Resolution while we put the heat on the 10 Democrats in the House needed to pass it in that chamber.
Senate Republicans instead are working on a bill that would require Governor Walz' signature to be signed into law. With only 6 days left of the legislative session, it appears the Senate Republicans are not serious about ending Walz' Emergency Powers.