MN House GOP Pitches Priorities; Leaving Out The Never Again Bill

At a recent press conference, the MN House Republicans floated their list of legislative priorities. “Stop the Fraud, Make MN Affordable, Make MN Safe, Raise Standards/Reduce Mandates, MN Tax Dollars for MN, Build the Future" were among their top picks to jump-start the new session.

But House Republicans missed the mark by failing to pinpoint the TOP priority… THE NEVER AGAIN BILL.

The tyrannical Covid lockdowns by Walz won’t be soon forgotten. Here are just a few of the countless offenses dished out by the Tyrant in Chief:

  • Forced small business closures that gutted personal and local economies, while Big Box stores do business as usual and rake in record profits.
  • Children locked out of their schools and losing precious time they may never recover.
  • Forced masking.
  • Forced to take an experimental “jab” or be denied the God-given right to earn a living or attend school.
  • Failure to comply resulting in personal attacks, public shaming, accusations of willful injury (even death) inflicted on others.
  • Punishment in the form of jail time for a few brave souls who had the spine to stand up to the Walz brand of atrocities.

Freedom fighters are savvy and they refuse to repeat history by falling into the massive pitfalls of the past. They are expecting legislators to have their backs and move on meaty issues like the Never Again bill, School Choice, and Defund Illegal Immigration

Liberty lovers are rightfully questioning politicians on both sides of the aisle. Republican legislators have a unique opportunity to earn the trust of the grassroots by pushing a vote for the Never Again Bill and planting a HUGE freedom flag that the Patriots could get behind.

Grassroots warriors deserve to see for themselves if it’s solely the Democrats who are blocking the advancement of liberty, or if the Republicans have a hand in it too.

Conservatives are demanding accountability from their legislators, which makes the passing of the Never Again bill the ultimate deliverable.

GOP Elects Speaker after Democrats No-Show & SOS Simon Tries to Make Himself King

A long anticipated day in Minnesota politics took place yesterday, Tues. January 14th, where state House Democrats no-showed and radical left SOS tried to falsely seize power. Simon falsely claimed there was not a quorum, illegitimately claimed the body was adjourned, and refused to recognize Majority Leader Harry Niska’s appeal of the ruling of the Chair (which would force a vote on Simon’s ruling).

Following these events, the audio went mute for a short time on the live feed provided by (nonpartisan) Capitol staff. However, for transparency purposes, it was clearly wrong to block the public from hearing the Representatives simply because Simon falsely adjourned them. If the staff is truly nonpartisan, they must not work at the behest of SOS Simon, a Speaker of the House, or any other politician. During this period, Simon left the lectern and microphone and a vote was taken to elect Paul Anderson as Chair. Anderson then presided over the body as Lisa Demuth was elected as Speaker. See the full event below:

Action 4 Liberty has been ahead of the game as you can see in the catalog of our reporting. We have accurately predicted the correct strategy for the House GOP to employ and have kept Patriots informed leading up to the day. While mainstream media parroted Democrat talking points, Action 4 Liberty’s supporters pressured Republican politicians to FIGHT for liberty.

While the House GOP has taken over the House and rectified Walz’ illegal writ of election for District 40B, the battle is just beginning. A4L has demanded that the House reject and/or revoke the election certificate of Brad Tabke (54A) for the trashed ballots issue in his district that we have widely covered. While Tabke is certainly free to run in a special election, voters in his district cannot be certain he truly won. A special election is the only cure to the mess that Scott County election workers have caused in this state.

Instead of allowing the House to conduct their business, radical SOS Steve Simon is now suing Lisa Demuth (lawsuit: A25-0066) and demanding the Supreme Court rule that a quorum in the House in 68 members, the election of Demuth be invalidated, and he remain the presiding officer! He is a puppet for the Democrats that refuses to concede power! This is a Constitutional crisis with an Executive branch trying to use the Judicial branch to take over the Legislative branch! Republicans must call on President Trump to intervene and stop the unlawful acts when the U.S. Constitution guarantees equal branches of government.

The GOP must also deliver substantive policy victories for the conservative base including a massive reduction to the state budget, bringing our state back to (at least) pre-covid era levels of funding. Taxpayers deserve to keep their hard-earned money instead of crooked politicians wasting it away on woke garbage and . While the House GOP has outlined several policy areas (including eliminating fraud/abuse of tax money) that A4L and our supporters find common-ground, the follow-through is what matters most!

House Democrats have taken their hysteria to a new level by comparing the House Republicans to January 6th protesters simply for showing up and doing their jobs! Democrats have concluded that they will not concede power and are engaged in a rebellion against the state House’s Majority. During a press conference in Shakopee (54A) that was lowly attended (excluding politicians), Tabke said that Republicans were trying to steal the election! Tabke, and his attorneys, know better than anyone else (and agree on record) that the House is the ultimate body to judge election returns. See below:

If RINOs refuse to take action on this critical issue, they are submitting themselves to “split” control which will only result in the growth of government, Democrats manipulating the process, and all leverage lost for the GOP. Conservatives across Minnesota are looking for their elected leaders to step up to the plate for election integrity and resolving the 54A conflict via special election is the clear legal remedy.

In today's session (1/15/25) Republicans made a series of motions and nominations to reinforce their legal standing. This included the reappointment of Patrick Murphy as Chief Clerk and other previous position-holders. Each nomination faced no competition and each vote was unanimous.

Action 4 Liberty will continue the fight to protect liberty for the next generation by keeping you informed. Our vision is clearly moving the overton window and it is because Patriots like you keep politicians’ feet to the fire with the information we employ you with. We live in an Infowar where the Establishment calls lies truths. As Ron Paul said “Truth is treason in the empire of lies”.

GOP Senate Leaders Cave to Democrats BEFORE Day One

Minnesota is one day away from a historic opening day of the state Legislature. Currently the GOP has a 67-66 Majority in the House that Democrats are attempting to thwart by no-showing the first two weeks, holding a phony & non-binding swearing-in ceremony, and having SOS Steve Simon lie and abuse his role of convening the House on the first day. State House Republicans, including Majority Leader Harry Niska, have begun to adopt our strategy and thinking on the 54A race after we began pressuring them to not certify radical leftist Brad Tabke since more ballots were thrown out in his race than the margin of victory was. 

While the House Republicans appear ready to fight for the conservative base on day one, Senate GOP Leader Mark Johnson has ALREADY caved to Democrats!

Ahead of tomorrow’s first day of session, the Senate sits with a 33-33 tie due to the resignation of now CD3 Congresswoman Kelly Morrison (SD45) and Sen. Kari Dziedzic (SD60) passing away. The SD45 special election has already taken place with former Senator and gun-grabbing Democrat Ann Johnson Stewart who has already been sworn in. The deep blue SD60 race is ongoing and will have a primary tomorrow but faces two major issues: Walz filed an illegal writ of election for the district and a candidate in the Dem primary appears to have lied about his residency.

The Senate GOP could leverage this time by holding votes surrounding alleged burglar of widowed stepmothers, Sen. Nicole Mitchell, and have a Majority vote since Mitchell should not vote on matters related to herself. They could even vote to release the audio of the SECRET, CLOSED-DOOR Ethics Committee meeting on Mitchell with this Majority!

In spite of the opportunities Republicans could have, Senate GOP Leader Mark Johnson has caved to the Democrats and will enter into a FAKE power-sharing agreement. See below:

As seen above, Republicans and Democrats will “share” power for a couple of weeks until Democrats fight to swear in the winner of the SD60 race (despite Walz’ illegal writ of election) and retake total control of the Senate. As soon as humanly possible, Senate Dems will break this agreement and retake total control. Republicans under the illusion that Democrats will be fair actors during this process are beyond ignorant. Mark Johnson has spiked the ball on first down and set Senate Republicans up to fail before the session has even started.

To make matters worse, Republicans are reportedly nominating squishy RINO Jeremy Miller to be the co-presiding officer/Senate President to serve with radical leftist Bobby Joe Champion! Conservatives can expect to get NOTHING from Miller in this role, in fact, Miller (along with RINO Jim Abler) voted for Minneapolis liberal Bobby Joe Champion for Senate President INSTEAD of the Republican nominee Justin Eichorn. See vote below:

Jeremy Miller has voted to increase AG Antifa Keith Ellison’s budget, was a failure as Senate GOP leader, has an embarrassing 17% lifetime score on the A4L scorecards, and is a part of the cover-up of the secret Ethics Committee audio on Nicole Mitchell (as the ranking GOP member). 

Senate Republicans could make their votes for Miller as Senate President contingent on the release of the Ethics Committee audio since he is on the committee and a part of the cover-up with Champion. If Miller does not pledge to use his capacities as co-President and Ethics Committee member to release this audio, Republicans can expect nothing but big government cronyism. A vote for Jeremy Miller is a vote for spineless leadership that will always cave to his Democrat friends. Patriots across Minnesota want a FIGHTER in this role and it is NOT too late for Senate Republicans to do the right thing!

GOP Senators must also block the swearing in of the winner in the SD60 special election following the Jan. 28th general election date. If Republicans fail to do so, the weak power sharing deal struck by RINO Mark Johnson will be crushed by the Democrats' next power grab.

Action 4 Liberty will continue to provide Minnesota Patriots with hardcore, cutting-edge news that cannot be found anywhere else. We will continue to be the microphone for grassroots conservatives and fight the St. Paul Swamp!

New Edu. Finance Cmte. Chair RINO Ron Kresha Must Push School Choice over Dem Agenda & Spending Hikes

RINO Ron Kresha (10A) is a career politician and phony conservative who is only in office because the HRCC spent tens of thousands of dollars on his campaign’s behalf despite Kresha not winning his local GOP endorsement. Despite the establishment machine backing Kresha, Aitkin Co. Patriot and A4L’s winner of the Dennis L Wolfe Award for the 2024 Top Activist Diane Webb-Skillings came within 35 votes of winning the primary in this deep red district. 

Kresha has a big government, liberal voting record that includes a bill (HF2409) to give $5M to lawyers for them to represent illegal immigrants & keep them here, voted for a resolution (HR1) that condemned J6 protestors, and has a pathetic lifetime score of 52% on the A4L Scorecards! Kresha also sent a mailer falsely claiming to be endorsed by the GOP and touted an endorsement from pro-abortion union bosses!

Since there is clear conservative grassroots energy in Kresha’s district to replace him, establishment Republicans are looking to tamp down on that by giving him a Committee Chairmanship. See Kresha's press release announcing this here. A4L sees this as a perfect opportunity to force Ron Kresha to push for school choice and to fight back against the radical Democrat agenda & spending hikes.

Action 4 Liberty and our supporters see school choice as a KEY liberty issue that we will focus on during this legislative session. With the current GOP state House Majority, we will hold politicians’ feet to the fire to make sure parents have the ultimate say in their child’s education. 

Public education has become dominated by the woke mafia and must be combatted head on by conservatives. Parents across Minnesota must be activated to restore parental freedom and eliminate tyrannical government. Action 4 Liberty will be here to chart the course.

A4L will continue to keep Patriots up to date with the latest news in Minnesota. An informed Army of liberty lovers is what the Establishment fears most!

BREAKING: MN House Dems Violate Law; Hold Phony Swearing In Ceremony

Minnesota is poised to have a monumental opening day of session as Republicans hold Majority control while Democrats plan to no-show! Ironically, the Democrats announced their plan to obstruct Minnesota’s government on January 6th, 2025 by no-showing opening day via press conference. Desperate Dems have even looked to corrupt SOS Steve Simon to spread lies about quorum rules and other opening day protocols which has been properly combatted thus far by Majority Leader Harry Niska. See our previous reporting on Simon looking to make himself King of the State House.

We now can report that Democrats have taken their reality denialism to the next level by holding a phony, illegitimate, non-binding, make-believe swearing-in ceremony today (1/12/25) at the MN History Center with the help of retired Judge Kevin Burke! Democrats are now claiming that they have been sworn in as an effort to block Republican control of the House and likely to get members added onto the payroll. They are simply masquerading as sworn in members, their tactics cannot stand in the House.

The Democrats’ dirty tactic was also done to certify radical leftist Brad Tabke despite 21 ballots that were thrown away and a margin of victory of 15 votes. In all reality, Democrats are illegitimately certifying an election with illegitimate results!

The Democrats even took pictures of their secret, fake swearing-in ceremony. See below:

House Republican Leaders Lisa Demuth and Harry Niska have released the following press release fighting back against the Democrats’ phony ceremony. See below:

As argued above, MN Statute 3.05 is extremely clear and guides the process for opening day and swearing in. Democrats are BREAKING THE LAW while swearing in and claiming that they will ABIDE by the Constitution and law! Power hungry Democrats do not care about their hypocrisy, they care about maintaining power.

House Dems are even violating (false) directions from Simon surrounding the swearing in procedure for Legislators. In a letter Simon sent to Demuth and Hortman, Simon clearly states that he will have Chief Justice Natalie Hudson to administer the oath of office. House Democrats clearly didn’t do that! See portion of letter below:

Republican legislators must mentally prepare for a HOSTILE TAKEOVER of Steve Simon in his role as House Chair. There is little doubt that Simon is looking to block Republicans from taking control of the House and will do so on Tuesday, Jan. 14th. Rep. Paul Anderson, (as the oldest GOP State Representative) will be the oldest present and have the authority under the previously mentioned MN Statute 3.05 to conduct the business of the House in the absence of Simon. 

We are in unprecedented and turbulent political times thanks to the current legislative make-up. Action 4 Liberty has led on election integrity for 54A from the beginning and have shown Republicans the path to leverage and expand their Majority. Republican leaders have taken our approach and it is clear that our influence is growing.

While the mainstream media lies and uses Democrat talking points, A4L will continue to keep Patriots informed to the latest news on this and other important issues. We have been leading on the most important issues for Minnesota and it appears Republicans are finally willing to fight thanks to the pressure from us and grassroot conservatives like you. Now, they must follow through.

Report: Emmer and Puppet Bobby Benson to Starve MNGOP of Donations

While Patriots across Minnesota celebrated the news that David Hann was removed as Chair by the State Central after we torpedoed his campaign, many RINOs lost their minds! They realized that with Hann removed, they no longer have tactical control over the party. The grassroots did not go along with the establishment’s plans and now the RINOs are trying to get even!

Action 4 Liberty has received information from multiple sources that Globalist RINO Tom Emmer, his puppet CD6 Chair Bobby Benson, and other RINOs in the party are threatening to withhold donations in order to starve and weaken the party!

Emmer and company had total control over Hann because the party was in such a weak financial position. The party was almost entirely reliant on big donors coming from Emmer because grassroots conservatives did not trust the party with their hard-earned dollars. As Hann was financially controlled by Emmer, he was controlled operationally and tactically too.

The CD2 race blew up massively in the face of Emmer and the establishment after they force-fed RINO Joe Teirab down the throats of CD2 Republicans, only for Teirab to lose by over 13 points in a swing district! While conservatives rallied behind Tayler Rahm and gave him the party’s endorsement in a landslide victory on the first ballot, Emmer pushed ahead with his puppet and was massively embarrassed. Emmer even got Rahm to drop out of the race and sell out his supporters to ensure Teirab would win the primary. During Emmer’s endorsing convention, the corrupt CD6 Chair (and Emmer staffer) Bobby Benson and the Nominations Committee rigged the process to keep out competitors including conservative professional golf caddy Chris Corey. Chris was even censored and kicked out of the convention for daring to run against Emmer.

Emmer and his henchmen are clearly willing to go to extraordinary lengths to keep and maintain control so it comes as no surprise that they are now threatening new MNGOP Chair Alex Plechash since they fear their control is gone. They want to weaken the party to reduce competition. Emmer believes the party only had success because of him like Trump coming to MN and wiping out the MNGOP’s debt

RINOs are always triggered by Action 4 Liberty but this has been renewed after we canned David Hann. It was clear that Hann was an opponent to the liberty grassroots base and was entirely beholden to RINOs like Tom Emmer. A4L will continue to stand on the front lines and give cutting edge news to Patriots across our state.  

Radical Left SOS Steve Simon Tries to Make Himself King of MN House

Minnesota’s state legislature is set to convene for its opening day on Jan. 14th and a battle like has never been seen before in MN will be underway. As we’ve previously reported, the GOP has a one seat Majority due to Democrat Curtis Johnson being found to not meet residency requirements. Being the sore losers that they are, House Dems are now threatening to no-show the opening day of session to block the GOP from taking power!

Action 4 Liberty has led on election integrity battles and we’ve demanded legislators refuse to certify radical leftist Brad Tabke (54A) due to his margin of victory being smaller than the number of ballots that were mysteriously thrown away. Our pressure has been massively SUCCESSFUL as GOP House Leaders have begun to use our arguments and strategy on this battle! While butt-hurt losers like Rep. Walter Hudson lie and complain about the influence of A4L (and an ultra-popular state fair booth that he has personally visited/waited in line for at least the last two years), because we toppled his boss RINO David Hann, Democrats like Rep. Zack Stephenson are having a meltdown! See below:

Democrats now threaten to not show up for work because they think they can obstruct their way out of this mess! Read our previous reporting on this here. To make matters worse, corrupt SOS Steve Simon has now inserted himself into the picture and use his power of calling the House to order on opening day to BLOCK Republicans from taking the Speakership and having a quorum present. 

As described in our previous reporting, House Majority Leader Harry Niska has taken up this battle and set the record straight: 67 members is a Majority and meet quorum for a body of 133 Representatives-Elect. There are NOT 134 members of the House at this time, there are 133 (132 excluding Tabke). SOS Steve Simon put out a press release with the false claim that a quorum is 68 members under the illusion that he can control what the House will do.

That is where he is wrong.

While Simon can call the House to order, Article IV Section 15 of the MN Constitution is extremely clear that the members of the House get to elect their presiding officer. See below:

Simon is given the authority under MN Statute 3.05 to gavel the House to order and appoint a temporary clerk pro tempore to read the roll call and determine if a quorum is present, that clerk must be a member of the House. See below:

In the above statute, you will notice that if Simon decides to no-show along with the Democrats then the oldest member of the House that is present would have the authority to bring the House to order to let them conduct business. As the oldest Republican member at the age of 73, Rep. Paul Anderson (12A) would have this authority.

Interestingly, if Simon appoints a Democrat to be clerk pro tempore, 68 Representatives-Elect will be present. If Simon appoints a Republican, that Republican could forego the reading of 54A because Tabke will not be sworn in, making only 132 Representatives-Elect and an even stronger 67 member quorum. It is very likely that Simon tries to protect Tabke considering Simon made a campaign stop in Shakopee for Tabke alongside Walz, Flanagan, Ellison, and Blaha (despite Simon's claim that he does not make endorsements as SOS).

Once the call is established, Simon will likely claim that a quorum is not present and the House is therefore adjourned, however he does NOT have that authority! The Chair cannot call for adjournment, only a member of the body can make such a motion! Steve Simon is not the King of the House, he cannot rob Representatives of the ability to run a body of the Legislature that they’ve just been elected to!

Just like an endorsing convention or a State Central Committee meeting, the members of the MN House have the authority to rule themselves. Article III, Section 1 of the MN Constitution requires the proper separation of powers in government. See below:

This is a Constitutional crisis!

If Simon blocks House Republicans from forming a quorum and electing a Speaker, Republicans must conduct their business anyways.

They can do so by having all 67 members present on January 14th at noon to answer the roll call and take the oath of office. Once Simon says there is not a quorum, Republicans appeal ruling of Chair. If that will not be recognized and Simon rules House is adjourned, Republicans can hold their Speaker election on the floor by holding voice votes following nominations. Individual members can film the proceedings on the floor for transparency purposes if the Capitol microphone and camera technicians turn off the equipment at the behest of Democrats. Once a Speaker is elected Republicans can start to conduct business, most notably: Rejecting the 54A election certificate and cut spending to pre-covid levels (like we are demanding out of Speaker-Designate Lisa Demuth). If Simon refuses to give up the gavel, Republicans must then elect a Sergeant at Arms to physically remove Simon from the chamber.

Action 4 Liberty has led this battle and will continue to keep Patriots informed as the session starts. Pressure from citizen activists like you will push these issues across the finish line. RINOs are on notice that A4L is picking up traction, we are the voice of the MN grassroots conservative movement, and have been right all along on the 54A race! 

MN House Democrats Push To Subvert Democracy

At a press conference on Monday about the Minnesota State House shifting from a power-sharing 67-67 tie set up to a GOP majority, Democrats threaten to withhold a quorum and get their pal, Democrat Secretary of State, Steve Simon, to declare there are not enough legislators to conduct business.

A quorum is the minimum number of members needed in order to do business in the legislature. With a 134 member House, normally this number is 68. However, with Curtis Johnson disqualified, there are only 133 seated members making the quorum threshold 67.

Democrats lost the 67-67 tie just the other week when a court order ruled that HD40B election winner, Democrat Curtis Johnson, did not meet residence requirements and the seat is therefore vacated, leaving the GOP in the majority.

The Minnesota constitution, which is ratified by a vote of the people through democracy, is clear stating: “A majority of each house constitutes a quorum to transact business.”

Now comes the subversion. In order to slam through the 68 member quorum, Hortman openly admitted in yesterday’s press conference, “If there is no power-sharing agreement…we will not show up” at the Capitol. She is pushing for the Democrats to abandon their jobs by not showing up on January 14 for the first day of session.

Then the plot thickens. Although it is customary at this point in time for the MN Secretary of State to swear in legislators, Hortman is pushing to have her Democrat buddy, Steve Simon, shirk his nonpartisan responsibilities by holding the legislature hostage and declaring that there is no quorum unless a 68 member threshold is reached, effectively shutting down the legislature. 

That’s right. To accomplish this, and bury the Democrats' questionable tactics in elections, Hortman is demanding Secretary Steve Simon to declare the legislature closed for the Democrats. These are the clowns that try to claim they are for democracy.

Considering what he has done in the past, Simon torpedoing a quorum is no big deal. Just look at what he tried to pull off in the consent decree in 2020. Back in 2020, Steve Simon single-handedly decided to extend the deadline for absentee ballots allowing them to be accepted and counted until one week AFTER election day.

Fortunately, the unscrupulous SOS was later slapped down by the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals who had to override his subversion of Democracy, calling it unconstitutional and requiring him to follow state law by only counting ballots that came in by the end of election day in 2020. 

For all of the Democrats’ bellyaching about January 6, it is the height of hypocrisy that this is the day they vowed to obstruct government operations and subvert democracy.

Walz’ Illegal Writ of Election Might Screw Over Dems + Senate Race has Residency Issue Too!

Democrats have proven in Minnesota that they weaponize power and manipulate situations to accomplish whatever ends they want. Tyrant Tim Walz still remains in Minnesota after ditching us to be humiliated by the entire country losing to President Trump & J.D. Vance in a landslide defeat. Despite getting a massive dose of reality, Walz’ typical antics led him to violate the law and schedule a special election illegitimately.

As we’ve previously reported, Democrat Curtis Johnson violated the law as per Judge Leonardo Castro's ruling and did not meet residency standards for the District 40B election. Castro further ruled that the seat was to be vacated and a special election be held according to the law turning the House from a 67-67 tie into a 67-66 GOP Majority. After Johnson submitted a laughable “resignation” letter to Walz (despite never holding the office), Walz broke the law himself by using the wrong subdivision of MN Statute 204D.19 because it was more advantageous of Democrats to do so! This moved the election up much earlier than it should be, did not allow the writ of election to be out as required by 204D.22, and gave little to no time for third party/independent candidates to organize and get signatures (impossible to get 500 eligible signatures in that time window). Following the death of Democrat Senator Kari Dziedzic (SD60), Walz put out another illegitimate writ of election. Both cases will be explained below.

House (40B & 54A)

Under the new leadership of Chair Alex Plechash, the MNGOP has taken up a lawsuit on Walz’ illegal writ of election with lead attorneys Ryan Wilson and James Dickey. They held a press conference at the State Capitol which can be seen here. This lawsuit is great for establishing Walz’ clear violations of law but this fight will ultimately end up in the hands of the state House. The Libertarian Party of Minnesota endorsed the petition due to the the time window not allowing third party candidates to gather enough signatures to be on the ballot. Like the ongoing question surrounding Brad Tabke and 54A, MN House Republicans could leverage their Majority to not certify the winner of 40B and force another special election

To give this issue some teeth, Action 4 Liberty has word that an individual who desired to be a candidate in a special election was out of state during the incredibly short, one day window for candidates to file for the special election. The Secretary of State, Hennepin County, and Ramsey County offices would not allow for candidates to file electronically, thus, a potential candidate who did NOTHING wrong was thwarted from the opportunity to run because Walz felt the need to rush things along. This proves another MAJOR violation of law caused by Walz because how would someone know to file exactly on December 31st when many people are out of town? With the pending MNGOP lawsuit and potential for Republicans to heed our advice on rejecting the 54A and 40B election certificates, the GOP has potential to expand their Majority and cause serious change in Minnesota. We will not hold our breath as we know how these politicians always get when the going gets tough!

House District 40B is a Democrat stronghold and encompasses most of Roseville and Shoreview. Following Walz’ illegal writ of election, 5 candidates filed as Democrats and Paul Wikstrom filed as the lone Republican. It appears three Democrats ultimately competed for the endorsement: Establishment-backed Shoreview City Councilman John Doan, legislative policy and community engagement operative Jasmine Carey, and radical left-wing activist David Gottfried (who challenged Curtis Johnson for the endorsement last year). After two rounds of voting, Doan backed out of the race and got behind Gottfried. All four Democrat opponents to Gottfried dropped out, proving Democrats learned absolutely nothing about the 2024 election results. As the nation voted Trump and Minnesotans stripped the Democrats of their House Majority, 40B Democrats decided to nominate a candidate who is to the LEFT of Curtis Johnson! Gottfried even has the support of DWI “They/She” & Democrat House Assistant Leader Brion Curran! See below:

Hilariously, after it was discovered that Curtis Johnson resided in Little Canada and NOT 40B, Democrats held their endorsing convention out of district, in Little Canada! The irony is unbelievable! They even held it on New Years Day! What a way to celebrate… To make matters worse for 40B, check out a picture from their endorsing convention and tell us what party is the party of old white people… See endorsing convention info and picture of convention below:

While HD40B Democrats have every right to elect a radical leftist, Minnesota House Republicans have every right to block the seating and swearing in of the 40B Representative because of Walz breaking the law. To no fault of Gottfried and all fault due to Walz, the GOP cannot recognize his election certification. What would Democrats do if the roles were reversed? It’s a no-brainer and we all know it! 

Action 4 Liberty has paved the path for Republicans to leverage their power and we are encouraging citizen Patriots to demand their legislators deliver for them! Republican Representatives were sent to St. Paul to shrink government and get some major wins for liberty. We have demanded Republican legislators get SOMETHING (cut spending to pre-Covid levels & reject 54A election certificate) in exchange for their vote for Lisa Demuth for Speaker. Action 4 Liberty has set up an online channel for you to be able to email your Representative (sign up here) and demand that they get Demuth to agree or they should potentially withhold their vote for her! It is a very simple demand that Demuth should have absolutely no problem agreeing to. 

Ask your Represenatative here to DEMAND Lisa Demuth agrees to reduce the budget and revoke Tabke's election certificate in order to be Speaker.

Some RINOs have lost their minds and are insulted that grassroots conservatives are making demands out of their elected leaders. Action 4 Liberty ALWAYS holds their feet to the fire and is unwavering in our demands to shrink government, we will always help Patriots keep crooked politicians on their toes!

Senate (SD60)

Senate Republicans could also leverage their current 33-33 split to reject the Senate’s special election winner’s certificate. The Senate Republicans will have to vote for a Senate President who will prevent SD60's election from being certified and the tie vote could cause chaos in the Legislature. Democrat candidate for the Senate special election, Mohamed Jama, allegedly does not meet residency requirements, voted in November 2024 from an “old address” according to his campaign manager Jacob Hooper, and has a complaint filed against him by a resident of the district (Sonia Neculescu) who is clearly connected with the “Senate DFL Caucus” because she were able to get ahold of the following texts between them and Jacob Hooper as seen in exhibit 3 of the lawsuit (Case #:A25-0023), see below: 

Republican voters in Senate District 60 may decide to skip out on the GOP primary between Patriot Abigail Wolters and a supposed Ron Paul supporter with “He/Him” pronouns in his bio (Christopher Zimmerman), or they could instead support Mohamed Jama in the Democrat primary and hope his victory would further stall the Democrats in the Legislature! Considering that ballots are being printed/already are printed, there is nothing Democrats can do but HOPE Jama does not win! Jama also alleges that Ilhan Omar slapped him in 2014

Despite the media questioning his campaign and his residency legitimacy, you would never know it by checking out his social media (Facebook, Instagram, & X) or website! Strangely, Jama's X account follows zero people but is followed by 945 people, including the Somali Mayor of Seatac, a city in Washington state. Jama has kept his address private on filing documents but his website lists an address: 620 16th Ave S (campaign address?) that brings you to the back of an African mall (Barwaqo African International Mall) with an Islamic travel agency called "Alsalama Travel Services", a hair salon, a tutoring service, an Somali Islamic 'medical center' that views the Qur'an as the general medicine needed (Shifah Center Xarunta Cilaajka Minneapolis), and a restaurant named 'Gargaar' that has items like "goat kidneys", "goat liver", and "foul" on their breakfast menu! Jama is running a strange campaign in a district he may not be eligible for, it would be a shame if he won the primary!


Action 4 Liberty is the cutting-edge source for liberty conservatives in Minnesota that will keep Patriots up to date with the happenings of the MNGOP lawsuit on 40B and if House Republicans will continue to follow our lead by rejecting the 40B election certificate following the special election. Action 4 Liberty demands for election integrity and will fight shoulder to shoulder with the grassroots conservatives by demanding politicians do as their base wants. 

NOTE: Hours after publishing this article, Mohamed Jama dropped out of the race. January 2nd was the final day candidates could withdraw and be removed from the primary ballot so Jama will remain on the SD60 Democrat primary ballot despite dropping out. See his statement below:

GOP Talks Tough, Now They Must Act

Action 4 Liberty is the stalwart organization of Minnesota for freedom loving Patriots to organize and get engaged politically. We have kept Minnesota conservatives up to date with the battles of today and tomorrow. Oftentimes, we are ahead of the curve and see things coming, because we have charted these battles before or have the right instincts to fight corruption.

In the current political landscape, Minnesota sits with a 67-66 GOP Majority in the state House due to 40B Democrat candidate, Curtis Johnson, after Judge Leonardo Castro ruled Johnson did not meet residency requirements. We’ve previously reported that this would seemingly be a temporary Majority because 40B is a Democrat stronghold, but the GOP has every right to block Brad Tabke’s (54A) election certificate from being recognized due to 20 ballots being thrown away (along with an additional uninvestigated ballot that was thrown away) and a 15 vote margin of victory. While the Aaron Paul v. Brad Tabke case is still pending, the state House has the final say in election cases and courts have always ruled as such.

Interestingly, we can find examples with similar circumstances in the MN House that we can apply to today. Precedent from 1969 and 1979 in the MN House allows initially approved election certifications to be revoked in relation to questions to election laws and a given state Representative office is vacated with a simple majority vote. The only difference in those examples and Brad Tabke is that those were in relation to fair campaign practices laws and this is about electoral malfeasance. The 1979 example, involving the removal of Robert Pavlak, is especially relevant to the matters on the table today because the House was a 67-67 tie (the only time in MN history that the House has been an exact tie). During that debate, the body overruled the Speaker and prevented Pavlak from voting on matters related to his election dispute and it was ultimately voted by the body that Pavlak was removed from office with a vote of 67-66 and a special election was held. Pavlak ran for that special election and narrowly lost the special general election (meaning Tabke can run for 54A in the special election).

Our previous reporting caused such a panic in radical leftist Brad Tabke that he sent a portion of it off to his email list, demanding money and claiming that Republicans are trying to steal the election! As if everything that happened in 54A was fair and square… He calls our reporting a "GOP-affiliated blog post" while RINOs lose their minds with the mention of our name! See email below:

We were ahead of the game on the 54A race and it appears the House Republicans have caught on! In yesterday’s press conference (1/6/25) Speaker-Designate Lisa Demuth (13A) and Majority Leader Harry Niska (31A) spoke with reporters about the GOP’s Majority, their intent to elect Demuth as Speaker, legislative goals, the question of quorum, and their interest in election integrity by holding a special election in 54A because the margin of victory was less than the number of ballots thrown away. The full press conference can be seen here.

Now that Republicans appear to have wised up to the idea that you have to FIGHT for your base once you get elected, Democrats are threatening that they won’t show up and do their jobs! Their full press conference can bee seen here. Democrats are proving themselves to be liars and sore losers who cannot accept that they will be in the Minority (especially Melissa Hortman). As explained in our previous reporting, Majority Leader-Designate Harry Niska is correct to point out that a quorum is 67 votes with 133 members. If they refuse to show up and do their jobs, recall elections will take place and it will make it a lot easier for Republicans to pass legislation! Action 4 Liberty would also expect a floor vote and passage of our Never Again Bill!

Action 4 Liberty has caused major waves in Minnesota politics as of late thanks to grassroots conservatives who are fed up with the uniparty, establishment Swamp! We have remained the principled, hardcore, truth-telling voice for liberty and we speak for hundreds of thousands of Patriots. Our mission is to expand individual freedom by reducing government control, this can only be done by having all the cards laid out on the table.

Turncoat Walter Hudson, who was once the LEAD sponsor of our Never Again Bill has completely turned his back on the grassroots by attacking and name-calling Patriots like you because you support freedom-fighters like A4L. While he wastes away his days by being chronically online and engaging in meaningless spats on X/Twitter with the grassroots, we have been building and mobilizing an army of liberty-lovers that is feared by crooked politicians!

Walter Hudson is likely upset that A4L torpedoed his former boss RINO David Hann’s reelection effort which caused his $40K per year salary removal from MNGOP payroll. He has begun the tried and failed effort of smearing A4L, which actually exposes his true self to conservatives. Hudson has used his political capital to support the censorship of Globalist RINO Tom Emmer’s opponent, professional golf caddy Chris Corey, at the CD6 Endorsing Convention, endorsed RINO Ron Kresha over Patriot Diane Webb-Skillings in 10A, and ushered through a bill that makes certain polticial AI memes illegal with punishment including a $10K fine or five years in PRISON. Grassroots Patriots wish Walter's priorities were on the Never Again Bill rather than protecting himself and the Establishment ruling class from silly memes!

Walter is clearly jealous of the success that A4L is seeing while his stock value is diminishing! He was particularly upset that we demanded Republican legislators get SOMETHING (cut spending to pre-Covid levels) in exchange for their vote for Lisa Demuth for Speaker (Ask your Representative here). Hudson has been in a meltdown and has suggested A4L President Erik Mortensen (former GOP Representative) is aligned with Democrats! In response to Mort's call for Demuth to make serious promises to cut govt., Hudson began another tirade, somehow blaming Mort for Tabke being in the legislature despite the facts that Mort did not run last year, when he ran in 2022 he received zero help from the state party or the HRCC, did not get in the way of the HRCC's 54A candidate Aaron Paul, and A4L has been leading on the 54A battle to revoke Tabke's election certificate. Hudson does not appear to let truth get in the way of the narrative he is building! He is like most politicians who gauge the political winds and choose their direction based on the winds are blowing. A4L looks to capture that wind and deliver liberty wins for the grassroots.

House Republicans must leverage their Majority and each member has the ability to capture demands out of Demuth if they play hardball! If Republicans make ZERO demands out of their leadership, the government will grow, taxes will go up, and liberty will be lost!

Ask your Representative here to DEMAND Lisa Demuth agrees to reduce the budget and revoke Tabke's election certificate in order to be Speaker.

If we are on the topic of “grifting loser hacks” AND Walter Hudson, it would be a shame to not call out his MAGA grifting when he previously wrote an article titled "No, Seriously, Trump is a Fascist" where he argued Trump exactly met the definition set by Italian dictator Benito Mussolini! 

You read that right! Walter Hudson wrote that Trump is a Fascist!

See a recent post on X by Hudson here where he argues that calling Trump and his supporters 'fascists' is "gaslighting" and compare that to his article labeling Trump as a fascist which can be read here (archived link). See headline and author evidenced below:

Despite the bitter attacks on A4L from Walter, his voting record is more conservative than most of his Establishment counterparts and he will be a necessary vote to shrink our state's bloated budget and fight for election integrity by revoking the 54A election certificate. 

Action 4 Liberty can see the bigger picture beyond the mess and will continue to put pressure on politicians to deliver results for We The People! We will never sit down and shut up! Thanks to Patriots like you, we are going to fight night and day preserve liberty for the next generation!