Lobbyist Legislator Daudt Featured in "Get Your Vaccine" Commercial

House Minority Leader Kurt Daudt is featured in a paid advertisement that urges Minnesotans to get their COVID vaccination. Daudt is not a scientist and does not work in the medical industry. Instead he is employed by a Washington D.C. lobbying firm called Stateside Associates, which lists pharmaceutical companies on its website as clients. 

Here's the paid advertisement:

In the ad, Daudt "urge[s] you to take your shot today". He states that he got the vaccine and he "hopes you will too". The ad comes from a newly created nonprofit called the Partnership to Fight Infectious Disease. Daudt labels the vaccines as "safe" because government authorized them. 

Currently, taxpayers are funding a government incentive program directed towards teenagers in Minnesota spearheaded by Democrat Governor Tim Walz. The Governor has held onto Unilateral Emergency Powers now for 466 days straight. Daudt prides himself as the biggest fighter against Walz at the Capitol, but this isn't the first time Daudt's bonafides come into question. Daudt easily accepted the mask mandate on Capitol grounds with the Democrat majority, forcing all legislators and staff to mask up. Back in January, he even spoke on the House Floor about the efficacy of masks, stating that he wore "this mask to protect you". 

Daudt is at great odds with a large faction of Minnesotans, including many in the Republican base who opposed mask mandates and a government funded vaccine bribery program. Action 4 Liberty is among them. Recent released Anthony Fauci emails show why many of us opposed mask mandates - they don't work. We've also warned people against listening to politicians about taking experimental drugs. Instead people should do their own research and consult their health care providers.

It's a mystery how Daudt is able to work for a lobbying firm while also serving in the legislature. This is an obvious conflict of interest. But it's even more problematic that he pushes for vaccines when there's a chance his employer gets money from the pharmaceutical companies that profit from them. 

To make matters worse, Daudt stated on the House floor yesterday that health insurance bailouts (known as the Reinsurance bill) are the "number one, most important issue" to his Republican caucus. Apparently ending Walz' Emergency Powers plays second fiddle to his socialistic-style program that takes taxpayer money and redistributes it to insurance claims.

So Daudt helped push forward a Capitol grounds mask mandate, is featured in a paid advertisement promoting vaccines and is not prioritizing Ending Walz' Emergency Powers as the number one issue for House Republicans. This is the problem with the political class up at the Capitol - they really aren't fighting for you. 

Minneapolis Bailout Appears to Be Part of Deal Struck by Gazelka

Vague language in the Jobs and Economic Development Omnibus Bill suggests that state taxpayers will be on the hook for bailing out the damage left by rioters in Minneapolis last year. Using $80 Million of "redevelopment" funding, business owners will be able to apply for grants and loans, paid for by Minnesota taxpayers across the state.

According to Fox 9, businesses can get $750,000 in grant money and $2 Million in loan guarantees. Although, they report it's not "clear how much money will flow to riot rebuilding".

Democrats were asking for a $300 Million package in total. Some Republican legislators, strongly opposed any money going towards funding the destruction in Minneapolis. Gazelka's deal strays away from those wishes. Although, all legislators will get to weigh in on it when HF1 gets a vote in the House and Senate.

First Week of Special Session Ends with No Budget, Emergency Powers Remain

The first week of the Minnesota Legislature's Special Session to End Walz' Emergency Powers has for all intents and purposes, come to a close since the Senate adjourned until Monday without passing any budget bills. Currently, the Minnesota House is on Day 2 of a Republican led filibuster to stop the advancement of budget bills that were agreed to by Walz, Speaker Hortman and Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka behind closed doors. Since the House needs to pass the bills first, there's zero chance of them reaching Walz' desk this week.

Without a doubt, Ending Walz' Emergency Powers is a top issue behind negotiations of the large budget bills, thanks primarily to the supporters of Action 4 Liberty. But to ensure this never happens again, it's key that the legislature passes Rep Erik Mortensen's Never Again Bill before agreeing to vote on budget bills that fund Walz' agencies. Currently, the Dept of Health is attacking small businesses who defied Walz' illegals orders back in December of 2020. 

A lot is at stake in the next 12 days. Governor Walz does not appear to want to let go of his Emergency Powers, which means he's willing to risk a partial government shutdown on July 1st. With the media scare tactics in full swing with the COVID delta variant, holding onto Emergency Powers could mean future shutdowns or new mask mandates. Also, why would Walz want to let go of power - that's why guys like him get into politics.

The Special Session all comes down to whether or not Paul Gazelka and Senate Republicans are willing to stand firmly against Unilateral Emergency Powers. If they refuse to pass a budget until Mort's Never Again Bill is passed, Minnesotans will be saved from a tyrannical governor in the future. But if they sell out, we'll end up with more growth of government, a fully funded Dept of Health and the ability for it all to happen again.


Cal Bahr, Julie Sandstede & Others Offer Fake End Powers Bills

Republican and Democrat legislators introduced Fake End Powers Bills as the Legislature reconvened for the first day of the Special Session. Rep Cal Bahr introduced a bill trying to mimic Rep Erik Mortensen's Never Again Bill, even stealing the name and the popular Citizen's Bill of Rights provision. However, Bahr's awful bill, HF28, allows the Governor to keep the power to unilaterally declare an emergency. In order to extend the powers after 30 days, a simple majority is all that is needed, which means Minnesotans would be in the same position again if the Democrats were in control of the House and Senate.

One might call this bill the "Almost Never Again Bill".

Bahr's Fake Bill appears to be a pathetic attempt at trying to derail Action 4 Liberty's effort to force the Never Again Bill to the top of priorities in the Legislature. Cal Bahr is part of the New House Republican Caucus that kicked Liberty Champion Erik Mortensen out of their caucus. This led to Cal Bahr and Jeremy Munson losing membership with Young Americans for Liberty's Hazlitt Coalition. 

Not to be out done by turncoat Republicans, Democrat legislators Julie Sandstede and Gene Pelowski introduced a shocking bill today that actually expands Emergency Powers. The bill, HF 22, grants the Governor the ability to declare an emergency for "a pandemic or other public health emergency". After 458 days of Governor Walz' Unilateral Emergency Powers, it's shocking that Democrats admit through the language of this bill, that the Governor never had the powers for a pandemic. Why else would they use this language?

Just like Cal Bahr, Munson and gang's bill, Sandstede's bill would do nothing about ending the Governor's unilateral powers to declare an emergency. This highlights how Democrats and Republicans don't actually care about making sure this Never Happens Again.

There's only one way to truly End Walz' Emergency Powers and ensure it Never Happens Again. And that's to pass Rep Mortensen's Never Again bill now. 

Mort's Bill:


Never Again Protest Was A Huge Success

The Never Again protest, spearheaded by patriot Michele Even, was a huge success. On Monday morning, activists from all across the state made their way to St. Paul to show their support for Representative Erik Mortensen’s Never Again bill

Legislators were called back to the Capitol this week because Governor Walz' extended his Unilateral Emergency Powers for the 15th time in a row. Since the legislature didn't pass a budget by May 17th, there will be a partial government shutdown starting on July 1st if an agreement isn't met. Either Walz agrees to Unilateral End Emergency Powers for good, or Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka is going to sell out and pass a budget the funds Walz' agencies.

Here are a few pictures from the protest:




Activists showed Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka that Mortensen’s bill needs to be passed into law before anything else -- it’s that important. As you can see from the pictures above, the protest spoke volumes about the massive support that this bill has.

Action 4 Liberty will continue to be your liberty advocate in St Paul in the final days of the Special Session.

Never Again Bill Protest on Monday

Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka is standing in the way of passing the most important legislation of our time: the Never Again Bill!  

After 457 days of one man's Unilateral Declaration of Emergency Powers, every sane individual should be demanding that Walz' Emergency Powers end for good. And the only way to ensure that happens is by passing Rep Erik Mortensen's Never Again Bill.

There are a lot of fake End Powers bills out there, and I'd imagine you'll see some more fakers create their own bills again this week. But Mort's Never Again Bill is the only one that removes Walz from unilaterally declaring an emergency and ensures that an emergency can only be declared by a 2/3 majority of the legislature. 

A 2/3 Majority is critically important because it protects us even when Democrats are in complete control of state government!

To show support for Mort's Never Again Bill, and to put pressure on weak Senate Republicans, Michele Even, a true patriotic activist, has put together an excellent Never Again Protest tomorrow, Monday, June 14th in front of the Senate Office Building.

Michele wants our voice to be heard by every Senator, especially Weakling Gazelka, so they know there's a price to pay for selling out on Minnesota. For the first time in 15 months, the Senate Office building will be open to the public.

Join Michele, myself and Rep Erik Mortensen as the fence around the Capitol is torn down and the public is allowed back in. Make YOUR voice heard about how the Never Again Bill needs to pass before Gazelka agrees to a budget deal with Democrats.


Where: Senate Office Building

When: Monday, June 14th at 10:30 am

More information here.


Listen Allen, politics is won by those who show up. Radical leftists protest at the Capitol and often control the political landscape. We need every politician up there to see the power of our movement. And you can help.

Please come join us on June 14th at 10:30 am at the Senate Office Building. Look for the crowd waving "Never Again" signs around. You'll know you're in the company of fellow patriots!

Can't make it? Help us pay for the signs, cowbells and horns by donating today. Donate $25, $50 or $100 immediately to help us make a loud voice on Monday! 

This is the time when legislators start to compromise and give in to the radical left. Stop that from happening by showing up tomorrow!

Walz to Make Emergency Powers Permanent

Governor Walz just did it again. He announced he will extend his Unilateral Emergency Powers for a 15th time!

This fight we've taken on to End Walz' Emergency Powers is exhausting. It sometimes makes you think you are nuts for doing it. But when things get tough and the battle drags on, I remember one of my favorite quotes from an important Founder...

It does not take a majority to prevail...but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.

These prophetic words by Samuel Adams are what fuels my tireless fire in this battle for our natural rights. Rights that were so clearly violated by Governor Walz and supported by a majority of our fellow Minnesotans.

Even at the time of our country's founding, a majority of colonists did not support our struggle for independence. Choosing the security of a tyrannical, foreign crown, they did not join Samuel Adams in his resistance movement.

But that irate, tireless minority prevailed and gave us the greatest country to ever populate this planet. Although I feel we are losing that country at a rapid pace these days. So it's up to us to save it!

Governor Walz is extending his Emergency Powers despite no emergency or even large scale cases of COVID. With the stroke of a pen, Walz has essentially eliminated our Constitutional Republic. 

We're learning every day that Governor Walz used lies and misinformation by Fauci and the fraudulent government health bureaucracy to strip us of our rights and treat us like his subjects.

It appears he wants his Emergency Powers now to be PERMANENT!!!

There's only one way to STOP Walz and the MN Dept of Health, and that's by pressuring Senate Republicans to REFUSE to pass a budget until the Never Again Bill is signed into law. They finally have leverage over the Governor. His government agencies only get funded if the Republican controlled Senate passes it. 

Time is running out though. The legislature shows back up to the Capitol on Monday and has only 16 days before a government shutdown. Pressure to compromise will be intense.

But we CAN'T AFFORD COMPROMISE. We MUST keep our pressure campaign of door knocks, phone calls and digital ads up, in order to STOP a budget deal before the Never Again Bill is signed into law.

Please help us immediately. We're on the goal line and are the closest we've been to Ending Walz' Emergency Powers since the start. Help us win!

Don't let Governor Walz hold onto his Unilateral Emergency Powers any longer! Donate $25, $50 or $100 immediately to keep the pressure on Gazelka and Senate Republicans. 

Walz Won't Let Go of Emergency Powers, Extending Them Another 30 Days

Governor Tim Walz has held onto Unilateral Emergency Powers now for 453 days. The list of abuses of power and restrictions on our civil liberties with those Emergency Powers reads like a novel. From shutting down our economy to putting COVID patients into nursing homes, Walz has done things that should be immediate grounds for impeachment. But the Republican Establishment and Democrat machine is allowing him to continue his Unilateral Emergency Powers indefinitely. 

Now Walz is on the cusp of extending those powers for the 15th straight month, with no end in sight. It appears that Walz is planning on making his reign over Minnesota government a permanent fixture. Which is in clear violation of the Minnesota Constitution's Distribution of Powers clause...

Working with Rep Erik Mortensen, a true liberty champion in St Paul, we offered a solution to this problem called the Never Again Bill. If passed, the Never Again Bill would remove the governor's ability to unilaterally declare an emergency and require a 2/3 vote by the legislature. If an emergency is declared by the legislature, the governor's powers only deal with coordinating efforts with other government entities and restrict his ability to shut down the economy or infringe on our civil rights. 

But Senate Republican leadership is putting up a roadblock to this bill, despite the fact that three of their members have signed onto the Senate version of the bill. Majority Leader Paul Gazelka won't give the bill a vote and has instead put forward a separate bill that would End Emergency Powers temporarily. The bill's author, Sen Jeff Howe, stated it will "not do anything to Chapter 12...if another event happens, another pandemic, tornado or flood, [the Governor] could declare another emergency".

The Governor and Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka are meeting behind closed doors right now, cutting deals to avoid a partial government shutdown on July 1st. But all deals should be dead in the water until the Never Again Bill is passed. We MUST make our voice be heard!

It's time we showed Gazelka that we mean business. Michele Even, a true patriotic activist, has put together an excellent Never Again Protest on Monday, June 14th in front of the Senate Office Building. 

Michele wants our voice to be heard by every Senator, especially Gazelka, so they know there's a price to pay for selling out on Minnesota. For the first time in 15 months, the Senate Office building will be open to the public.

Join Michele, Rep Erik Mortensen and many patriots as the fence around the Capitol is torn down and the public is allowed back in. Make YOUR voice heard about how the Never Again Bill needs to pass before Gazelka agrees to a budget deal with Democrats.

Where: Senate Office Building

When: Monday, June 14th at 10:30 am

More information here.

Liars and Their Destruction

The COVID cult's patron saint, Dr Anthony Fauci, is finally being exposed for his lies, and perhaps, cover-up of the Wuhan lab leak. Relegated to a right-wing conspiracy theory last year, new evidence suggests that Fauci knew about U.S. taxpayer money going to gain-of-function research at the Wuhan lab at Ground Zero of the COVID pandemic. Senator Rand Paul has grilled him on this issue for the past week.

Thanks to a Freedom of Information Act request, we now have a look at Fauci's emails in the early days of the pandemic. Months before the declared pandemic, Fauci was discussing the bizarre nature of the disease and how it "potentially" looked engineered. Interestingly, Fauci was quick to dismiss this theory in the public space, while behind the scenes knowing that funding from his organization supported gain-of-function research at the laboratory.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Fauci's National Institutes of Health "sent $3.4 million to the Wuhan Institute of Virology through the nonprofit EcoHealth Alliance. 'I just wanted to say a personal thankyou on behalf of our staff and collaborators, for publicly standing up and stating that the scientific evidence supports a natural origin,' EcoHealth Alliance chief Peter Daszak gushed to Dr. Fauci in a partly redacted April 2020 email. 'Your comments are brave, and coming from your trusted voice, will help dispel the myths being spun around the virus’ origins.'”

An email from Fauci also stated "the typical mask you buy in a drugstore is not really effective in keeping out the virus, which is small enough to pass through the material.” Although he later changed his tune, which led to state mask mandates like the one unilaterally implemented by Governor Tim Walz. 

In March, Sen Rand Paul challenged Fauci to provide a study that scientifically concluded the efficacy of continued mask wearing for those who have been infected by COVID-19 or who have received the vaccine. He equated the double mask wearing of the vaccinated Fauci as "political theater". 

Here we are, 447 days after Minnesota and other states declared emergencies, and Governor Walz is refusing to give up his Unilateral Emergency Powers. His destruction to our economy will be severe and has already led to countless permanent business closures. To this day, property owners are on the hook for renters who refuse to pay their rent and our children are still being forced to wear masks in schools.

Walz has followed Liar Anthony Fauci from Day One. And it appears these lies still permeate into his policy decisions, despite countless evidence to the contrary. Where's Walz' apology for the ineffective mask mandate he forced on Minnesotans? 

It's time we end Walz' Emergency Powers for good. Action 4 Liberty's field team is continuing to work around the clock doorknocking and phone calling voters all across the state. It's time Senate Republicans put their foot down and refuse to pass Walz' budget until the Never Again Bill is passed. 

Support our efforts by donating now!


House & Senate Republicans Change Tone on Emergency Powers

Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka held a press conference today offering a different tone on the legislature's priority of ending Walz' Emergency Powers. Gazelka was joined on stage by Senator Jeff Howe and Rep Barb Haley, who co-authored a bill that would end Walz' current Emergency Powers. According to SF2559, Governor Walz would lose an emergency that "apply to the COVID-19 infectious disease outbreak" beginning on July 1st or when 70% of Minnesotans are vaccinated, whichever comes first.

The bill allows the Minnesota Dept of Health to continue working with the federal government on the state's vaccination program. It allows Health Commissioner Jan Malcolm to "declare a public health disaster if the commissioner determines that the state must take action to protect the public health." 

Howe's bill also falls short of reforming Chapter 12 Emergency Powers, which is what State Rep Erik Mortensen's Never Again Bill does. "This bill does not do anything to Chapter 12...if another event happens, another pandemic, tornado or flood, [the Governor] could declare another emergency" stated Sen Howe.

Action 4 Liberty has called on the legislature to refuse to pass a budget that would fund Walz' Emergency Powers unless the Never Again Bill is passed and signed into law. This is the only way to truly end Walz' current Emergency Powers and make sure it never happens again.

According to the press conference, Republicans are starting to sound tougher about not agreeing to a budget deal unless Walz' Emergency is removed.

Watch the press conference here: