Adam Fravel Charged With Second-Degree Murder; Bail Set at $2 Million
Adam Fravel, alleged murderer of ex-girlfriend Madeline Kingsbury, has been charged with second-degree murder during his arraignment on Friday.
Kingsbury had gone missing on March 31st, prompting weeks of search parties and national news stories. On Thursday, a Rochester medical examiner confirmed that Madeline’s body had been found.
According to charges filed in Winona County, Fravel is being charged with two counts of Murder in the Second Degree. He is the father of Madeline’s two children, ages 5 and 2.
The statement of probable cause says that Kingsbury had begun a relationship with another man two weeks prior to her disappearance. Because of this, the two were in the process of moving out of their house in Winona. On the day of the alleged murder, Fravel told authorities that he planned to move boxes from the house to both a storage unit and his parent’s house.
The last time the two were seen together was at 8:00am on March 31st, when they both dropped their kids off at daycare. After that, Madeline allegedly began work in her home office while Fravel packed the car. He claims that he hastily packed, and realized halfway through his trip that the items he had packed in the van were to be stored in a storage unit, not his parent’s house in Mabel, Minnesota. Then, he stated that he turned around. He states that he did not make any stops and arrived back at the Winona house around 11:30am. Fravel continued to say that Madeline was not there when he returned.
Video surveillance footage from the area shows Adam replacing the license plate on Madeline’s van around 9:44am. Come April 1st, the plates had been switched back.
Many reports had shown that a van matching the description of Madeline’s heading south on Highway 43 toward Mabel around 11:56am. More reports state that the same van was traveling back north around 45 minutes later, back toward Winona. This does not align with Adam’s stated account of what occurred.
In Blue: The approximate route taken by Fravel
The statement of probable cause also notes that human remains – which are now reported to be that of Madeline Kingsbury – were discovered wrapped in a fitted bed sheet that was similar to a set from the house in Winona. The body was found along a gravel road about a mile away from Highway 43, between Choice and Mabel Minnesota. The statement also notes that it was not far from the property owned by Fravel’s parents.
Around 11am on Friday, a Judge set Adam’s conditional bail at $1 million, and his unconditional bail at $2 million. He will likely remain in custody at least until the trial. If he is found guilty, he could be sentenced to 40 years in prison.
Madeline's family is accepting donations to her benefit account. The details for which are pictured below.
St. Cloud Drag Show Asks Kids to Bring Money for Tips, Might Violate State Law
A St. Cloud LGBT group is promoting a “Drag Brunch” that openly welcomes kids 4-12 years old to participate. The June 11th event asks for cash tips for performers, who are “drag queens” and “drag kings.”
"St. Cloud Pride" is hosting the event, and has openly promoted it on their facebook account. Thankfully, this behavior is illegal according to Minnesota Law. State statutes 609.352 and 617.246 explicitly prohibit the solicitation of minors for sexual acts. Don’t take my word for it, take a look at the law for yourself:
- 609.352: Subd. 2.Prohibited act. A person 18 years of age or older who solicits a child or someone the person reasonably believes is a child to engage in sexual conduct with intent to engage in sexual conduct is guilty of a felony and may be sentenced as provided in subdivision
- 617.246: Subd. 2.Use of minor. (a) It is unlawful for a person to promote, employ, use or permit a minor to engage in or assist others to engage minors in posing or modeling alone or with others in any sexual performance or pornographic work if the person knows or has reason to know that the conduct intended is a sexual performance or a pornographic work.
- Any person who violates this paragraph is guilty of a felony and may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than ten years or to payment of a fine of not more than $20,000, or both.
Here's what's important: Statute 617.246 defines "sexual performance" as "any play, dance or other exhibition presented before an audience or for purposes of visual or mechanical reproduction that uses a minor to depict actual or simulated sexual conduct as defined by clause."
What do drag queens do? They twerk and hump the air - a clear reference to sex. When minors are invited to these events, drag queens are at fault.
When you look at the Eventbrite page, it is clear that “St. Cloud Pride” is encouraging sexual actions and tips for sexual performances. The event posting even tells children to ask performers before they touch, grab, or hug them. Like strippers, drag queens ask for tips in their waistbands or in their "cleavage."
For more information about why the Best Western would allow this at their location, contact the St Cloud Best Western Kelly Inn at 320-253-0606.
Kingsbury Ex-Boyfriend Arrested On Suspicion Of Murder
Adam Fravel, the ex-boyfriend of missing woman Maddi Kingsbury, was arrested on Wednesday night on suspicion of murder.
Maddi has been missing since March 31st, prompting people from all over Minnesota and Wisconsin to form search parties. Months later, the Winona Police Department believes that they have remains -- prompting an arrest of Fravel.
The Police Department released their update around 9pm on Wednesday.
Fravel, who is the father of Maddi's children, has been largely silent on her whereabouts. Winona police now have him in custody on suspicion of murder.
The Action 4 Liberty team sat down for an interview with members of Maddi's family in April, which you can watch here. You can read our original breakdown here.
The Police Department has also announced that they will be holding a press conference on Thursday with more updates. This is a developing story.
EXPOSED: Scheme By GOP Insiders to Weaponize Gov't Agency Against Us
Individuals associated and employed by the Minnesota Senate Republican political committee, known as the Senate Victory Fund (SVF), are abusing a government agency’s investigative powers to launch a witch hunt and incur more legal costs for Action 4 Liberty. And the law firm crafting the documents on their behalf, got paid nearly a quarter of a million dollars last year - a large sum of money that could’ve been used to win the Minnesota Senate and stop Democrats from taking complete control over the state government.
The case against us was spearheaded by Mike Campbell, according to statements by our sources at the Capitol with knowledge of the inner workings of the Senate. Campbell is listed as the finance director for the SVF and also works for Cambria.
Establishment cronies like Campbell were angry that Action 4 Liberty activated thousands of grassroots conservatives in the 2022 caucuses. Party insiders HATE when the grassroots rise up and become powerful. Those activists chose conservative candidates for Republican endorsements in legislative races last year - like Tom Dippel of Cottage Grove over RINO Tony Jurgens.
Instead of accepting defeat and uniting with grassroots conservatives to defeat the radical leftist agenda, Campbell and GOP insiders sought retribution by abusing a government agencies investigative powers on an erroneous case. The government agency in this case is the Campaign Finance Board (CFB), which is tasked to enforce the rules surrounding campaign finance laws, a bunch of which are anti-free speech and unconstitutional. Here’s how the scheme works:
Mike Campbell gathered intel on A4L and the Dippel campaign back in June of 2022. It was clear that he and many RINO Senators were not happy that a solid conservative like Tom Dippel was the endorsed Republican candidate in the top targeted senate district in the state. He found a low level SVF staffer named Marissa Manteufel who stated she "heard" someone say something about A4L. Campbell alleged that A4L made an illegal corporate contribution to a campaign based on her statement which, is pure heresay, and not true.
Campbell then found an unknown activist from Winona who was willing to put his name on the complaint for him. Winona is 100 miles away from where the alleged infraction occurred and not even the same legislative district. Of course, it would look bad for the finance director of the Republican Senate to have his name on the document himself.
The unknown activist is Matt Werden, who was probably duped into believing he could "hang with the cool kids" if he did this. We don’t know the guy and the guy doesn’t know anything about us. But he got conned and maybe, paid under the table. We'll never know.
Campbell then used a law firm that was on retainer with the SVF to produce the documentation for the complaint and file on behalf of Matt Werden. That law firm is Jacobson, Magnuson, Anderson & Halloran, P.C. And in 2022, $240,000 of donated money to the Senate Victory Fund to help Republicans win the Minnesota Senate was spent on “legal services” to the law firm who attacked Action 4 Liberty. That law firm also employs former Democrat Rep Rob Ecklund, who was one of the targets of our door knocking campaign in 2021 when he voted to protect Governor Tim Walz' illegal emergency powers. What a small world!
The complaint allegation was that Action 4 Liberty paid an intern to provide “free services” to the Dippel campaign, which according to them, would be an illegal corporate contribution.
Despite us doing absolutely nothing wrong - completely innocent of the charge - the highly politicized Campaign Finance Board, made up of political appointees by Democrat Governor Tim Walz, launched an investigation into us. We're in a position now to prove our innocence because the presumption by them is that we're guilty, until proven innocent. What an anti-american ideal! Look what they wrote in their draft probable cause letter:
The CFB was given clear evidence that refutes the "evidence" submitted by the complainant. Their newest WITCH HUNT on Action 4 Liberty is about to begin.
I say "newest" because GOP insiders did the exact thing to us one year ago and we’ve been under harassment from the CFB since then, including two administrative subpoenas delivered to my house in front of my family. That case is set to be concluded this week as the new case is just beginning. Convenient.
What’s interesting about the new case is that the alleged violation happened in June of 2022. The guy duped into signing the complaint, Matt Werden, signed the complaint in February of this year. And the official complaint was filed with the CFB in April of this year. They held onto this for almost a year and dropped the investigation on us when we were in the middle of fighting against the Radical Leftist agenda at the Capitol.
When Tom Dippel won the Party endorsement in April of 2022, he reached out to the SVF in good faith to work together with them to beat the Democrat candidate, Judy Seeberger. In late May when Dippel filed for office with the Secretary of State, he had a meeting with SVF employees that was described as “hostile.”
They told Dippel that they had evidence he was violating campaign finance laws and should withdraw his candidacy as the endorsed Republican candidate. Unbeknownst to Dippel at the time, Senate Republican Karin Housely reached out to Tony Jurgens and encouraged him to run for the seat despite losing the endorsement to Dippel a month earlier.
When Dippel decided to not follow SVF staffer’s threat, he received an August primary challenger in Tony Jurgens who had the backing of the SVF. For the next couple months, the SVF used staff and resources to work against the Republican endorsed candidate. The young woman who made the erroneous allegation against us, Ms. Manteufel, was seen all summer helping the Jurgens campaign
But voters saw through it all. They preferred the grassroots conservative over the RINO Establishment hack, Tony Jurgens. Dippel won by 20 points on primary night.
Disgruntled loser Jurgens, who had the full backing of Campbell and the SVF, went on to publicly endorse the Democrat in the race and actively campaign for her. Democrats won the seat by only 321 votes, the smallest victory margin in the state. That tipped the balance of power in the entire Minnesota government to the Democrats.
GOP Insiders played with fire, worked against the Endorsed Republican candidate, blew $240,000 on legal services, and LOST the Minnesota Senate to Radical Metro Democrats who passed gun control, abortion on demand, genital mutilation surgery and tax increases. Their candidate was just a crony Democrat in disguise!
So why, a year later, launch an attack on Tom Dippel and Action 4 Liberty?
The Democrat and Republican Establishments HATE competition. They prefer a MONOPOLY on election politics and anyone who activates a large contingent of grassroots, conservative activists is a threat to their power.
Plus, there's nearly no cost to them. Once the highly politicized CFB starts investigating, it costs groups like us time, energy and legal fees to prove our innocence. The costs incurred by the CFB are paid by taxpayers. Plus, they hope it makes us stop exposing them or even quit politics all together. They believe this will tarnish our name and reputation. And more importantly, as the CFB investigates, they hope that private information about our organization gets revealed so they learn our tactics and processes to activate patriots across the state.
In the end, we did nothing wrong, so after months or maybe a year of harassment, they'll find nothing and can't conclude a violation occurred. But the damage they seek will already have been done. To them, the process of us bogged down in an investigation is the objective and it costs them nothing.
But here at Action 4 Liberty, we're wised up to these corrupt schemes against grassroots conservatives and we DO NOT BACK DOWN to a fight. Our mission is to protect liberty for the next generation. We can't fail at that!
Global Investment Firm Admits to ‘Forcing’ ESG; Diversity
With companies like Anheuser-Busch under intense fire for their woke marketing campaigns, many Americans are left wondering how any of this pro-LGBT virtue signaling benefits them. The truth is, many of these companies probably wouldn’t embark on these campaigns alone. Their shareholders are the ones that hold all the power.
Multi-national investing firm BlackRock is known for managing enormous shares of big companies. Just a handful of examples include Apple, Microsoft, Google, and even Tesla. With management power over these shares, Blackrock has an enormous amount of sway when it comes to standard operating procedures within these corporations.
A recently surfaced video from 2017 shows exactly what behaviors that BlackRock hopes to “force.” Twitter account @EndWokeness shared a clip from an interview with Larry Fink, who has served as the CEO of Blackrock since 1988.
Why has everything gone woke these days? ESG scores.
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) June 4, 2023
Here is BlackRock CEO Larry Fink along with the CEO of AmEx explaining his desire to “force behaviors” (2017):
“Behaviors are going to have to change, and this is one thing we’re asking companies. You have to force behaviors. At BlackRock, we are forcing behaviors.”
What behavior is Fink referring to? In a letter to clients in 2022, he stated that problems in the workplace like “racial equity, childcare, and mental health” must be addressed by corporations worth investing in. He also dedicated significant portions of his letter to the “climate risk” that leftists have fearmongered about for years.
By setting these investment standards, BlackRock has huge sway over which companies its clients invest in. If corporations want to be successful, according to Fink, they must abide by an environmental, social, and governance (ESG) score. To put it plainly, the more woke a company is, the higher the ESG score. The higher the ESG score that a company receives, the more likely they are to get wealthy investors.
This is the agenda that the World Economic Forum is pushing. In fact, they heavily promote the usage of ESG scores on their website.
They come right out and say it, "Companies are expanding the metrics they use to define success well beyond profit and sales." Clearly, they wish to reward woke corporations more than profitable ones.
As long as companies like BlackRock maintain significant shares in corporations, they will be fine with weathering boycotts over woke marketing campaigns. This multinational corporation is not going anywhere anytime soon.
However, investors can always think twice before going to a giant firm like Blackrock. The more power that individuals put into their own portfolios, the less power that the woke leftists have. If you’re investing in the stock market, make smart decisions – and do not be afraid to call out the woke agenda. These companies listen to the loudest voices.
Your Surplus Money Is Going Towards a Train to Duluth
Last month, the Minnesota legislature passed their colossal transportation omnibus bill. With the included tax and spending increases was funding for the “Northern Lights Express” train line, which will soon take passengers from the Twin Cities up to Duluth.
The state government only needed to front 20% of the cost, while the federal government picks up the rest of the tab. With the allocated $194.7 million for the project, the Biden administration will put up as much as $800 million.
The line will operate off of existing rail owned by BNSF Railway and will be managed by Amtrack. Nevertheless, it is an expensive project that most Minnesotans will probably never use.
The sprawling Duluth/Superior area is not easy to navigate by foot. If visitors from the Twin Cities make their way up there, they will have limited options on what they’re able to do.
Lefist Democrat Senator Jen McEwen argues that “Some people can’t drive. Some people don’t own cars.” She also acknowledges that the trip time will be nearly the same as driving. For years, legislators like McEwen have made the same argument for the purposes of "equitable outcomes."
Credit: MN Department of Transportation
Another Senator (who represents a district just south of Duluth) argues that there is no demand from his constituents, further proving that this expensive rail will see little usage.
The total project is estimated to cost $592 million, though we know that government projects never stick to a budget. After renovations are done to existing tracks, improved traffic signals, and new stations, annual operating costs will be $19 million.
With an estimated 700,000 riders per year (it will likely be nowhere close to this), and about $12 million in ticket revenue - $30 per - the government will have paid $855 per rider in the first year. This number will slowly drop over the years, but the state government will still be on the hook for $6.9 million in operating costs.
For some perspective, a gallon of gas will get you an average of 25 mpg. With a trip from Minneapolis to Duluth being around 155 miles, and gas prices costing an average of $3.50 per gallon, it would only cost about $22 for a trip in the car. That's $8 cheaper than a ticket up north, and 15 minutes faster depending on the traffic (and that's for the few people who go at or under the speed limit). Plus, you'll have a car to drive around the city.
Needless to say, it makes more sense to drive.
This $200 million is being spent on just a handful of Minnesotans, instead of being part of the rebate checks that taxpayers deserve. The state government overtaxed Minnesotans by an incredible $21 billion this past year, which amounts to about $8,000 per taxpayer.
Instead of a full (or even significant partial) refund, some Minnesotans will receive $260 checks. This is because some politicians in St. Paul decided that an equitable train line to Duluth for a few people who cannot drive is more important than meaningful tax relief.
Taxpayers Forced to Pay for Trans Inmate's Genital Surgery
A far-left legal group with ties to State Senator Erin Maye Quade has won a lawsuit against the Minnesota Department of Corrections (DOC) which will result in nearly half a million in rewards for a transgender inmate. Additionally, the DOC will now be required to accommodate for transgender individuals, going as far as covering their costs for transition surgery.
The group Gender Justice celebrated their legal victory on Thursday, revealing that their client (a biological male) will now be housed in the women’s prison in Shakopee. The individual uses the name Christina Lusk, and has been in jail since 2018 for drug charges.
Now, taxpayers in Minnesota will fund treatments and housing for this individual according to the standards set by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health’s (WPATH). Additionally, the state will have to pay for a contract with a WPATH-trained “physician.”
Leftists and genital mutilation experts look to WPATH for the latest guidance regarding surgery and transition processes. Just last year, this group removed the minimum age for surgeries and medications. They also now recommend that the state intervene if a parent obstructs a child’s transition procedure.
Thanks to Senator Maye Quade’s legal arm, this group will now be receiving taxpayer dollars from the state of Minnesota to experiment on inmates. This sets a scary precedent that could allow similarly globalist organizations to dictate policy in the state of Minnesota, and utilize taxpayer dollars for their evil deeds.
Trans Community Embraces Demonic Imagery
The LGBTQ community has claimed the month of June to celebrate themselves. You’ve probably heard of “Pride Month,” because every major retailer and politician is sure to make their obligatory pro-LGBTQ statements and posts on social media. This year, however, this community appears to be going further off the deep-end.
In preparation for the barrage of pro-trans messaging, Conservative activist Lauren Witzke shared an image on Twitter, with the caption “Demons can seethe. Christians are DONE taking crap from the LGBTQ Mafia.” Transgender activists in particular were quick to embrace this imagery.
— Lauren Witzke (@LaurenWitzkeDE) May 26, 2023
One Twitter user, known as @artbyveya, quickly took credit for the image shared by Witzke. Claiming that she(?) actually created it. This account uses fae/faer which will not be observed in this article.
Even more surprisingly, this account is now monetizing its newfound fame by selling t-shirts with the logo.
This is not the first time that left-wing radicals have embraced satanic imagery. The artist behind Target’s pride collection, Erik Carnell, has also dabbled with evil in some of his previous projects.
As noted by Carnell in a now infamous Instagram post, “Satan loves you and respects who you are; you’re important and valuable in this world and you deserve to treat yourself with love and respect. LGBT+ people are so often referred to as being a product of Satan or going against God’s will, so fine. We’ll hang with Satan instead.
Satanists don’t actually believe in Satan, he is merely used as a symbol of passion, pride, and liberty. He means to you what you need him to mean. So for me, Satan is hope, compassion, equality, and love.”
If the left wants to associate themselves with evil, there is nothing we can do to stop them. All they are doing is showing their true colors. There is no doubt that this public display will soon awaken our friends and neighbors who do not yet see the rising societal issues we are facing as a nation.
If you would like to purchase one of the “priDEMONth” shirts from self-described trans activist @artbyveya, there is a fitting guide for all two genders on her(?) website. Those who do not fit into that “binary” should take it up with @artbyveya.
Republican Governor of Nevada Signs Extreme Abortion Sanctuary Bill
It was not long ago when Republicans across the nation were signing praises for Joe Lombardo, the former Sheriff-turned Governor of Nevada in the red ripple of 2022. Lombardo touted his pro-life credentials on the campaign trail, using pro-life voters to sail his way into the Governor’s mansion. On Tuesday, he betrayed those voters by signing an abortion bill nearly as bad as Minnesota’s.
Senate Bill 131 makes Nevada an “abortion sanctuary state,” meaning that women can run to Nevada to get their abortions, no matter the legality in their home state. Nevada will ignore any court orders or warrants and even protect doctors who perform these procedures. Minnesota passed a similar law this year with their far-left Democrat Trifecta.
Nevada already has liberal abortion laws, which only protect babies after 25 weeks in pregnancy (into the third trimester).
Not only will more babies be killed, but young women will also be trafficked into the state to have forced abortions.
As a candidate for Governor, Joe Lombardo was endorsed by National Right to Life, a pro-life group. He also used his Catholic faith as reasoning behind his seemingly pro-life campaign platform. All of this meant nothing, apparently.
This is exactly why politicians cannot be trusted – regardless of political party. If Nevada conservatives wanted a Democrat Governor, it is clear they should have stayed home last November. Both candidates on the ballot were liberals, anyway.
Democrats Keep Your Surplus Money, Fund College for Non-Citizens
This past legislative session was an absolute mess. Not only did Democrats infringe upon your 1st and 2nd Amendment rights, but they also spent every dime of a record-shattering $21 billion budget surplus – then, raised taxes!
These Democrats went as far as spending your tax dollars on free college for students whose families make under $80k/year. When first passed under the Higher Education Omnibus Bill (HF 2073), it was understood that free tuition would only apply to citizen residents of Minnesota.
However, Axios has revealed that this will also apply to illegal aliens. Senator Omah Fateh (who was on the conference committee for HF 2073) told the publication that “We want to make sure that when we’re expanding opportunities for everybody, we’re doing it for all Minnesotans, regardless of background, regardless of their documentation status.”
The Senator could not provide an estimate for how many illegal aliens would apply. However, we do know that roughly 600 illegals applied for the Minnesota Dream Act last school year, which gives them in-state tuition prices.
The students who previously applied under the Dream Act are automatically enrolled for free college tuition. All are subsidized by the taxpayers.
While hard-working Minnesotans are getting a one-time check back for $260 (after initially being promised $1,000 and owed an astounding $8,000), non-citizens are getting an equivalent of $16k per year through Minnesota’s new tuition program.
Instead of getting our surplus tax dollars back, it is going directly to illegal aliens.
Axios goes on to state that Fateh plans to promote this program in high schools around the state, so do not be surprised if the cost for this program skyrockets.